Simulation of Curiosity Rover Drilling into Martian Bedrock

February 9, 2013

Simulation of Curiosity Rover Drilling into Martian Bedrock

This animation depicts NASA's Mars rover Curiosity drilling a hole to collect a rock-powder sample at a target site called 'John Klein.'

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NASA'S Deep Impact Spacecraft Images Comet ISON

February 5, 2013

NASA's Deep Impact Spacecraft Images Comet ISON

This series of images of comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) was taken by the Medium-Resolution Imager of NASA's Deep Impact spacecraft over a 36-hour period on Jan. 17 and 18, 2013.

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Asteroid 2012 DA14 to Safely Pass Earth

February 4, 2013

Asteroid 2012 DA14 to Safely Pass Earth

The flyby of asteroid 2012 DA14 on Feb. 15, 2013, will be the closest known approach to Earth for an object its size.

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What's up for February 2013?

February 1, 2013

What's up for February 2013?

On February 15 a small asteroid named 2012 DA-14 will whiz by, only 17,200 miles from Earth. It doesn't pose any threat to us, but it is sure to create a buzz around the world.

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Mars: Dry Ice and Dunes

January 24, 2013

Mars: Dry Ice and Dunes

Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter captures the springtime thaw of seasonal carbon dioxide ice on Mars.

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Curiosity Finds Calcium-Rich Deposits

January 18, 2013

Curiosity Finds Calcium-Rich Deposits

NASA's Curiosity rover finds calcium deposits on Mars similar to those seen on Earth when water circulates in cracks and rock fractures.

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When Huygens Met Titan

January 14, 2013

When Huygens Met Titan

This animation re-creates the final descent of ESA's Huygens probe as it landed on Titan on Jan. 14, 2005, after it was dropped off by NASA's Cassini spacecraft.

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Parting Moon Shots from NASA's GRAIL Mission

January 10, 2013

Parting Moon Shots from NASA's GRAIL Mission

Three days prior to its planned impact on a lunar mountain, mission controllers activated the camera aboard one of NASA's GRAIL twins to take some final photos from lunar orbit.

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Curiosity Rover Gives Mars the Brushoff

January 10, 2013

Curiosity Rover Gives Mars the Brush-Off

NASA's Curiosity rover dusts off a rock on Mars for the first time.

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From Mars Curiosity to Times Square: Happy New Year

December 31, 2012

From Mars Curiosity to Times Square: Happy New Year

New Year's Eve revelers watching giant screens in New York's Times Square saw a special Happy New Year greeting from Mars, currently 206 million miles away.

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