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Embassy Events

US Presidential Election Night

US Presidential Election Night

Chargé D'affaires Bachman third from right and POLOFF Bethea first from left with Gambian guests at the Sheraton Hotel

On Tuesday 4 November Embassy held an Election Night Watch Event at the Sheraton Hotel.  Through a video message, Ambassador Wells highlighted the historic significance of the evening, which he attributed to a free and fair democracy that has allowed race and gender not to be a factor in this election.

During opening remarks, Chargé Brian Bachman said, “the 2008 election has, for many people in the U.S. and the world, restored their interest and belief in democracy, as candidates from non-traditional backgrounds have emerged to claim their seat at the table of power and responsibility in the U.S.”  Post also conducted a mock election with Gambian guests to promote voter participation in their own elections and demonstrate the result of a transparent and democratic voting process.

The Election Night demonstrated the American political process and its sterling display of democracy; and the right of a people to choose their own government; and to hold that government accountable through regular and transparent elections. The turnout was very impressive with over 100 dignitaries, who spent most of the night discussing the election and its historic significance.   The event received extensive front page and editorial coverage on all the major newspapers and on the National TV station.