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Information Resource Center

The Information Resource Center (IRC) provides information to Angolans about the government, culture, people and history of the United States of America as well as information about U.S./Angolan bilateral, regional and global issues.

The IRC is particularly interested in assisting Angolan government ministries, private institutions, non-governmental organizations, journalists, academicians, individuals conducting research, companies, and professionals whose responsibilities and interests deal with the U.S.

Please send your information request in writing by fax, letter or email, indicating your name, institutional affiliation and a clear description of the type of information you need.

The IRC is located in the Public Affairs Section and is open to the public from Monday through Thursday from 9:00 AM to 12:00 AM. The IRC is closed all official United States and Angolan holidays.

The IRC has access to extensive reference materials about the United States including:

  • Subscriptions to on-line databases with information about all facets of the United States.
  • Specialized access to Internet library research portals.
  • CD-ROMs with libraries full of information searchable electronically.
  • Reference books with a focus on information about the U.S.
  • U.S. Government archives and official information.

The IRC provides information on topical issues such as:

  • American Studies
  • Conflict resolution
  • Democracy in Africa
  • Economic development
  • Environmental issues
  • Human rights
  • African American History
  • NGO's and Civil Society
  • U.S. elections
  • Women's issues



Public Affairs Section
Rua Houari Boumedienne, 32 – Miramar
Luanda, Angola
Tel: 244 – 222 – 641122
Fax: 244 – 222 – 641232

Educational Opportunities

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