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An aurora is an atmospheric effect produced when charged particles from the radiation belts surrounding a planet like the Earth, are accelerated down the magnetic field lines near the north and south magnetic poles.

What is an Aurora?, Information about the energy,altitude, and and research about their spectroscopy and morphology.
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Auroras: Presented by the Exploratorium
Photographies, movies and sounds, Aurora in other planets, others Aurora Sites and classroom activities.
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Auroras: Painting in the Sky
What are Auroras? What do they look like? What makes them happen? Where can you see them?
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AURORAS: SEGway Summary
A self-guided lesson on the What, Where, and How of Auroras in the Earth's Atmosphere.
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Las Auroras Boreales
A Spanish web site that explain where you can see it, what they are, pictures and related links.
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Galileo: Jupiter's Auroras
A Jupiter's Auroras images with a short explanation of what it contains took by NASA's Galileo Spacecraft.
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Shelios 2000: Auroras Boreales
A Spanish web site with 2 QuickTime movies and 3 sequences in GIF Format about Auroras.
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A NASA/GODDARD news release about the process that causes Auroras and magnetic disturbances - or pace weather- around the Earth.
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The Aurora Page
Aurora sounds, pictures and related links. Also this site gives you the opportunity to build your own Aurora Detector.
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Causes of Colors: Auroras
Where the Auroras come from?, Why are Auroras colored? Also legends and myths of the Auroras.
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Aurora Explanation and Simulation Proposed
Contains an explanation of the Aurora Borealis and the Earth's magnetic field. Also this page has a report about liquid nitrogen simulation of Aurora Borealis.
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Learning about the Aurora
Where Auroras occur? Types, color physics and other considerations.
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Aurora Links for more!
A web page with differents links related to the Auroras.
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NASA Logo Image Curator: DeLee Smith
NASA Official: Donna Bird
Last Updated: April 7, 2011