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Life Stories: After Two Years of Dialysis, Kidney Donation Transforms a Young Boy’s Life

Caleb Davy Caleb Davy

Kidney Recipient, Washington, D.C.

Frederick Caleb Davy was born in 2001 with prune belly syndrome, a serious birth defect that caused his kidneys to fail. The infant started peritoneal dialysis in April 2002, and to stay alive he had to endure dialysis for ten hours every day for two years.  

In March 2004, Caleb's mom, Monica, donated a kidney to him. He is now a thriving boy and is becoming more independent in taking his medications. Caleb was also born with cerebral palsy and needs a walker for mobility.  In spite of these challenges, he has participated in the Marine Corps Marathon Healthy Kids Run for the past two years.  He enjoys T-ball and “all things superheroes.”  

Caleb's story is courtesy of Monica Davy and HRSA, Washington, D.C.

After receiving a new kidney, Caleb now enjoys T-ball and “all things superheroes.”


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