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Image width: Rows: Columns: Interval: Sat: Product:
Image Type: 
- or -


No Browse Image Found. No Browse Image Found. No Browse Image Found. No Browse Image Found.
  No Browse Image Found. No Browse Image Found. No Browse Image Found. No Browse Image Found.
Retrieve data with the Search page.
  Current Time:   2013-02-14 02:36:34 GMT    2013-02-13 19:36:34 MST  


  • All times are Universal Time unless labeled otherwise.
  • The Execute button must be pressed in order to make changes in the display.
  • The Image width option (in pixels) allows the user to scale the size of the browse images.
    • The native size of the browse imagery is 576 x 512 pixels.
    • If you select a value < 180, a thumbnail image is used whose native size is 128 x 128 pixels.
  • The number of Rows and Columns in the spread sheet can be adjusted.
  • The Interval setting will allow a subsampling of data based of various time intervals.
  • Sat selects a satellite. GOES-13 is in Post Launch Testing (PLT) and not being used operationally. FITS data are not available for public use during PLT.
  • Product Types:
    • Level One includes all images generetd by SXI in a processed form.
    • Coronal Hole is a special product that is generated 4 times each day, see data notes.
  • <- Step will shift the spread sheet view towards later data.
  • Step-> will shift the spread sheet view towards earlier data.
    • Stepping up and down in the data base with these buttons may not have symetric results, depending on the temporal distribution of the data. Cookies must be enabled for this option to work. Pressing the Execute key once or twice will allow the system to activate a cookie to support this option.
  • When Latest is checked, the first row always displays the latest data in the data base.
  • To start the spread sheet on a date and time of your choosing, deselect Latest, and enter your time parameters: Y=year, M=month, D=day, H=hour, M=minute.
  • The Image Type displayed in each column can be selected from the drop list.
  • Meta Data for each image is displayed in a drop list, to compare a particular parameter between images, use the drop list to select that item in each image you are comparing.
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