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Tribal Energy and Environmental Information Clearinghouse: Environmental resources for tribal energy development
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Wind: General Information

Web sites with useful generic information about wind energy development.

Follow the links below to learn more about wind energy and ongoing planning efforts related to wind energy development.

Native American Wind Resource Atlas

The U.S. Department of the Interior's Division of Energy and Minerals Development has developed the Native American Wind Resource Atlas providing wind energy resource maps for individual reservations in several states.

DOE Tribal Energy Development Guide

DOE's Tribal Energy Development Guide provides a variety of information that tribes can use to achieve tribal energy goals, including a process of strategic energy planning for tribes interested in improving their energy security, sovereignty and local economy; and information on fossil and renewable energy sources, transmission and grid connection, and energy efficiency. The program's Tribal Wind Energy Resources page provides maps showing wind resources in the vicinity of individual reservations, searchable by state.

Tribal Energy Development Template

The Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma has developed a Tribal Energy Development Primer providing information about energy development on tribal lands, including overviews of both renewable and traditional energy resources; information on infrastructure planning, guidance on assessing environmental and cultural resource issues; guidance on assessing market potential, suitable business structures, and financing options; and a discussion of developing tribal capacity and Tribal Energy Resource Agreements. Development of this document was supported by the DOI's Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development.

Wind Powering America Program

DOE's Wind Powering America Program provides information about wind energy resource distribution; state and regional wind energy development initiatives; and policy, economic development, and siting issues. Wind Powering America includes a Wind Power for Native Americans program and a Wind for Schools program.

Renewable Energy Atlas of the West

The Renewable Energy Atlas of the West includes interactive maps of solar, wind, geothermal, and biomass resources in the western U.S.

Intertribal Council on Utility Policy

The Intertribal Council on Utility Policy (ICOUP) provides a forum for discussion of utility development issues, including policy analysis and recommendations and technical workshops, with an emphasis on wind energy development.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

DOE's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) conducts research and development activities related to renewable fuels and electricity, and its Web site provides information about wind energy resources and technologies.

Wind Energy: Workshop In-A-Box

Wind Energy: Workshop In-A-Box provides the latest information about wind energy to state, municipal, and governmental agencies; community groups; utilities; and other consumers. It includes interactive and hard copy materials to best reach a desired audience and it covers both utility-scale and small wind technologies.

Small Wind Systems

DOE's Wind Powering America Program maintains a Web site titled Small Wind for Homeowners, Ranchers, and Small Businesses providing information on installing small-scale wind energy systems on individual buildings. Of particular value is the U.S. Small Wind Guide and the American Corn Growers Association Small Wind Guide.

20% Wind Energy by 2030

DOE has released a study evaluating increasing wind energy's contribution to the U.S. electricity supply to 20% by 2030. The 20% Wind Energy by 2030 report discusses the benefits of this scenario and barriers and challenges to the required growth of the wind industry.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Wind Energy

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Wind Energy page presents information about the Service's wind energy policies and activities. The USFWS Wind Turbine Guidelines Advisory Committee advises the Secretary of the Interior on developing effective measures to avoid or minimize impacts to wildlife and their habitats related to land-based wind energy facilities.

National Wind Coordinating Collaborative

The National Wind Coordinating Collaborative (NWCC), which provides a forum for identifying, discussing, and addressing issues affecting wind power generation, produces working group publications on key issues including policy issues, wildlife impacts, economic impacts, siting issues, transmission planning, and more.

American Wind Energy Association

The American Wind Energy Association provides news, research information, education materials, answers to technical and policy questions, and access to wind energy publications.

Bats and Wind Energy Cooperative

The Bats and Wind Energy Cooperative (BWEC) is an alliance of state and federal agencies, industry, academia, and non-governmental organizations whose mission is to develop solutions to minimize or, where possible, prevent mortality of bats at wind power turbines. BWEC oversees and disseminates the results of local, regional, and continent-wide research addressing issues and solutions related to wind energy development and bat mortality.

Upper Great Plains Wind Energy Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement

DOE's Western Area Power Administration and Region 6 of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are preparing a programmatic environmental impact statement concerning wind energy development in the Upper Great Plains. The project's public information Web site provides access to general information about wind energy technology, electricity transmission, and potential related environmental impacts, and ultimately, will provide access to the draft and final impact statements.

Wind Energy Development Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement

The public information center for the U.S. Bureau of Land Management's (BLM's) Wind Energy Development Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement provides information about the potential impacts of wind energy development in 11 western states, excluding Alaska, and about the requirements of the BLM's wind energy development program.

Western Governors' Association Renewable Energy Zones

The Western Governors' Association and DOE are working to identify those areas in the Western Interconnection that have both the potential for large scale development of renewable resources and low environmental impacts. The Western Renewable Energy Zone initiative is intended to establish renewable energy development zones and support energy transmission development.

Western Regional Air Partnership Recommendations

The Western Regional Air Partnership released a study on Generating Electricity from Renewable Resources in Indian Country, providing recommendations to tribal leaders on (1) developing renewable energy technologies to meet air quality and visibility goals established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and (2) using these technologies to achieve economic development and energy-related goals.

Green Power Marketing

Information about green power marketing is provided by NREL's Green Power Network and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Green Power Partnership.

Public Renewables Partnership

The Public Renewables Partnership (PRP) supports efforts by public organizations, co-operatives, and Tribal utility authorities to effectively integrate renewable energy into their power portfolios and business strategies. PRP provides information about renewable energy technology options and potentials, including evaluations of renewable energy resources, market analyses, and strategic planning.

The Interstate Renewable Energy Council

The Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) is a non-profit, membership based organization that provides a national forum in which public and private agencies involved with renewable energy may gather, disseminate and exchange information, and engage in cooperative efforts.

Arizona Solar Center

Resource maps at the Arizona Solar Center include a map of wind power resources in Arizona showing Indian reservation locations.

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