Prior to Arrival

  • In-Processing of New or Transferred Employees
  • Travel Orders - (PCS)
  • Transportation / Travel Reservation Support
  • Overseas Allowances
  • Individual Government Travel Card

  • As a new employee what can I expect from the Employee Support Office?

    ESO staff:

  • Contact you as soon as you have accepted a NAU position
  • Assist you in completing forms that you receive from ESO
  • Send you Welcome Packets
  • Provide useful PCS information both prior to and upon your arrival
  • Assist you in preparing ID card and SOFA Stamp Applications
  • Give you useful guidance concerning housing, appliances, etc.
  • Provide you government housing information, if applicable
  • Send you the applicable forwarding address, mailbox and telephone info
  • Provide you the driver's testing website and tell you what to expect
  • Schedule your driver testing appointment
  • Assist in getting Network/CEFMS access for you
  • Add you to the payroll files
  • Make your hotel reservation
  • Answer all pre- and post-arrival questions
  • Make flight reservation
  • Greet you and your family at the airport
  • Assure you get checked into the hotel
  • Assure hotel accommodations are appropriate
  • Assist with you opening a bank account, if desired
  • Educate you on VAT forms use and assist you in obtaining them
  • Educate you on Ration Cards use and assist you in obtaining one
  • Assist you in getting appropriate building and wing access cards
  • Provide assistance with school registration for your children, if applicable
  • Guide you through the entire first week of In-processing
  • Provide you with local area and military community information
  • Work with your supervisor to assure work space is ready for you to work
  • Be available to guide you through these processes

  • What is expected of me in order to facilitate the In-Processing procedure?


  • Respond to ESO questions in a timely manner
  • Provide requested information and completed forms as soon as possible
  • Recognize that your in-processing schedule is not an optional one
  • Forward hotel needs information to ESO as soon as possible
  • Recognize that scheduling requires you stay at least one week in the American Arms hotel
  • Know a choice of a different hotel will create transportation issues
  • ESO is unable to provide tourist services
  • Know flight arrangements must be in accordance with Joint Travel Regulation – but we will accommodate employee needs where possible
  • Realize flights must fit the in-processing schedule
  • Keep ESO contact list with you for unexpected concerns or changes

  • As a Supervisor, what is my In-Processing role?


  • Provide the information requested by ESO: sponsor, MA, supervisor
  • Complete Network User ID and turn in to IM
  • Complete CEFMS Access and give to RM
  • Assure that management assistant provides ESO with a CSR-03
  • Provide ESO with wing access specifications
  • Set up work space - computer, telephone, name on cubicle
  • Provide confirmation of this to ESO
  • Attend the Commander's welcome brief, if possible
  • Facilitate introductions to department staff
  • Keep ESO contact list with you for unexpected concerns or changes
  • Assure that new employee receives a copy of his/her SF50, position description and performance standards during the first 30 days with NAU
  • If you have concerns you can contact the ESO POC at 570-2790

    How do I get travel orders issued? (PCS)


    Complete a Request for Orders (RFO) & Transportation Agreement (TA) if applicable
    Discuss with supervisor/HR and have him/her sign. Send RFOto HR staff.


    Provide assistance/answer question related to the RFO
    Verify travel order entitlements
    Review the RFO for accuracy


    Process RFO into Travel Orders
    Create the obligation in CEFMS and obtain an order number
    Issue orders
    E-mail orders to employee within three working days
    Distribute copies of orders as appropriate
    Maintain copy in ESO files

    What outcome(s) can I expect?

    You will receive travel orders within three working days

    If this does not occur within three working days, you should contact the ESO POC at 570-2790.

    Manager's Responsibility:

    Be cognizant of travel requests
    Discuss travel requirements and entitlements with employee
    Sign request for orders

    What if I need an amendment to my travel orders?

    Discuss with supervisor & HR, if applicable
    Contact ESO via e-mail or telephone


    Discuss with you change(s) that you need
    Verify travel order entitlements
    Prepare an amendment to your orders within three working days
    Issue amended orders
    E-mail amended orders to the employee
    Distribute copies of orders as appropriate
    Maintain copy in ESO files

    What outcome(s) can I expect?

    Receive amended orders within three working days

    If this does not occur within three working days, you should contact the ESO POC at 570-2790.

    Manager's Responsibility:

    Discuss with employee travel requirements and responsibilities

    For travel arrangements, who do I contact?

    What do I need to do before I contact the Employee Support Office (ESO)?

    Complete Request for PCS/RAT/ED/TDY/Training Reservations form
    Send or bring the reservation request to ESO

    Note: When completing the reservation form, please include full names of all travelers (no nicknames or abbreviations). In remarks section you should include any special instructions, i.e. rental car, requested seating assignment or special dietary needs.

    What will the ESO do for me?

    Answer all questions pertaining to travel reservations
    After orders are authenticated, will ensure that your reservation includes all entitlements
    Make travel arrangements according to Joint Travel Regulation guidelines
    Issue amended orders
    Provide reservation confirmation within five working days of request
    Assure itinerary is received via e-mail within seven working days

    What outcome(s) can I expect?

    Receive travel reservation confirmation via e-mail within five days
    Receive itinerary via e-mail within seven working days

    If this does not occur within three working days, you should contact the ESO POC at 570-2838.

    Manager's Responsibility

    Discuss with employee travel requirements and responsibilities

    How can I receive a Pay Advance? How much am I eligible for?


  • Contact HR Staff
  • Complete a SF 1190 Foreign Allowances Application, Grant and Report
  • Obtain a copy of your PCS orders
  • Print a copy of your last Leave and Earnings Statement , if appropriate
  • Provide these documents to HR, who in turn will verify, sign & submit to ESO.

  • NOTE: Pay advances are limited to three months of base pay. You cannot request an advance more than three weeks prior to arrival at PCS duty station or more than sixty days after your arrival. Non-government employees can request pay advance upon their arrival at their new duty station.


  • Review the documents for accuracy and entitlement
  • Provide 1190 to ESO
  • ESO:

  • Submit to DFAS for payment
  • Log and track payment and deductions
  • Report deduction history biweekly to Finance and Accounting
  • Answer any inquiries regarding pay advance
  • Communicate with DFAS concerning any delay or errors
  • What outcome(s) can I expect?

  • Pay advance should be in your bank account within ten working days of the ESO submission to DFAS.

  • If this does not occur within ten days, you should contact the ESO POC at 570-2882.

    Manager's Responsibility:

  • Not Applicable

  • How do I get reimbursed for my Temporary Quarters Subsistence Allowance?


  • Complete SF 1190 Foreign Allowances Application, Grant and Report
  • Have supervisor sign SF1190 in block 22. Approving/Reviewing Official Record expenses on DSSR 120 TQSA Allowance Worksheet
  • Bring the following documents to HR:
    • Copy of your orders
    • Original receipts for lodging and dry cleaning
    • Original receipts for expenditures (meal, laundry, etc) more than $75.00
    • Completed DSSR 120
    • Completed SF1190


  • Assist in filing of claim
  • Review all TQSA documents for accuracy
  • Certify the document as proper for payment
  • Provide 1190 to ESO
  • ESO:

  • Submit to DFAS payroll for payment to be made
  • Log and track payments made to employee
  • Advise employee and supervisor of discrepancies/irregularities
  • Answer any questions regarding your TQSA claim
  • What outcome(s) can I expect?

  • Receipt of payment within two pay periods following submission to DFAS

  • NOTE: Always keep track of your meal and laundry will need to report actual NOT estimated expenses.
    If this does not occur within two pay periods you should contact the ESO POC at 570-2882.

    Manager's Responsibility

  • Employee's supervisor must review and sign the TQSA SF1190 (block 22) Review applicable discrepancies/irregularities with employee

  • How do I start, change or stop my Living Quarters Allowance?


  • Complete SF 1190 Foreign Allowances Application, Grant and Report
  • Bring the following documents to HR:
    • Copy of your PCS orders
    • Copy of the rental contract (not needed to stop existing LQA)
    • Completed SF 1190


  • Assist you with any questions regarding completing the SF 1190
  • Review the documents for completeness and accuracy
  • Prepare and submit a cover sheet to CPOC for payroll input
  • Send original documents to CPOC for review and retention
  • What outcome(s) can I expect?

  • Payments will start within two pay periods

  • If this does not occur within two pay periods you should contact the HR POC at 570-2494.

    Manager's Responsibility:

  • Direct employee questions to HR.

  • When and how do I submit bills for a Living Quarters Allowance (LQA) reconciliation?


  • Provide the following documents to the HR office at the end of your first year on LQA and at the time of any change in your entitlement amount:
    • Completed LQA Reconciliation Worksheet
    • Copies of your actual utility bills (Do not include bank statement or ATM receipts)
    • Copy of the landlord bill (if you live in an apartment it will need to show your apartment nebenkosten amount separately from other tenants)
    • Copy of statement and/or check reimbursing you for overpayment of utilities (if applicable)


  • Review & forward to CPOC

  • NOTE: Reconciliation is done in EURO because you pay your utilities and rent in EURO. The appropriate EURO/Dollar conversion tables are established in DFAS and applied during the payroll process. Regulation allows that your living quarters expenses are substantially covered. Because of the established EURO conversion rates, you ordinarily will not match dollar for dollar.

    What outcome(s) can I expect?

  • An accurate and timely reconciliation
  • Explanation concerning specifics of your reconciliation
  • Prompt adjustment for over or under payments

  • If this does not occur within two pay periods you should contact the HR POC at 570-2494.

    Manager's Responsibility:

  • Not applicable

  • How can I start or stop my Post Allowance(PA)? Danger Pay(DP), Post Differential(PD)?


  • To start PA, DP or PD, complete the SF 1190 Foreign Allowances Application, Grant and Report
  • To stop PA, DP or PD send a memo to HR with effective date
  • Provide a copy of PCS orders
  • HR:

  • Forward the SF 1190 and supporting documents to CPOC
  • Maintain a copy in employee file
  • Answer any questions regarding payment of allowance
  • What outcome(s) can I expect?

  • Receive accurate and timely payment of PA, DP and PD

  • NOTE: When you return from leave or TDY outside the danger area, you will need to submit an SF1190 through your supervisor, showing the inclusive dates for that TDY or leave. Attach the applicable leave request or travel voucher to the SF1190 and submit to HR.

    If this does not occur within two pay periods you should contact the ESO POC at 570-2494.

    Manager's Responsibility

  • Not applicable

  • What happens to my Travel Card when I transfer into or out of NAU? What if I am a new employee?


  • Provide your travel card information to RM Rep. during in-processing (for transfer in)
  • Complete new-card application provided during in-processing
  • Review new-card application with your supervisor
  • Have supervisor approve new-card application
  • Take application form to RM
  • RM:

  • Provide you with a written set of guidelines for using your government travel card
  • Transfer the hierarchy of your existing credit card to the NAU hierarchy
  • Forward application for new credit card to Bank of America
  • Assist you with all problems and inquiries related to your travel card
  • Report any suspected abuse to supervisor
  • What outcome(s) can I expect?

  • To receive a new travel card within ten working days
  • Receive expeditious service in getting problems resolved
  • Have cards issued, transferred or replaced in a timely manner

  • If this does not occur within ten working days, you should contact the RM POC at 570-2653.

    Manager's Responsibility

  • Assure employee understands responsibilities of using Travel Card

  • What should I do if I lose my Travel Card?


  • Contact the RM POC immediately
  • RM POC:

  • Contact Citi Bank to deactivate the card and reissue
  • Answer questions related to the loss, deactivation and reissue process
  • What outcome(s) can I expect?

  • Immediate deactivation action
  • Reissue of a card as appropriate

  • If this does not occur within a reasonable time, you should contact the RM POC at 570-2653.

    Manager's Responsibility

  • Not applicable

  • What is involved if I am selected for a Travel Card audit?

  • Awaiting information