CMB Experiments

Below is a list of known CMB experiments, with links to their home pages (if available), a brief description, and, whenever possible, links to internal LAMBDA pages which provide the publicly available data from these experiments. LAMBDA serves as a long-term repository for these archives. If an experiment of interest to you is missing from the list, or there is experimental data you would like to provide, please contact us via the suggestion form.

The left-most colum contains links to the individual project websites, which will typically provide the most comprehensive collections of data. The second column contains links to project data held at LAMBDA. Initially the data at LAMBDA might be a subset of the data at the project website, but the LAMBDA holdings will grow with time and they will be maintained as a permanent archive.

Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropy Experiments
Links to Project Website Data
Year Status l-min l-max Frequ-
Detectors Polariz-
QMAP Sky Maps QMAP  1996
Completed 30 850 30-140 HEMT/SIS No Balloon
MAXIMA Power Spectra and Sky Maps Millimeter Anisotropy eXperiment Imaging Array  1995, 1998, 1999
1995, 1998, 1999
Completed 50 700 150-420 Bolometer No Balloon
QMASK Power Spectra and Sky Maps QMAP and Saskatoon (SK) Data Combination - Completed 40 335 - - No Balloon / Ground
ACBAR Power Spectra Arcminute Cosmology Bolometer Array Receiver  2001-2008
Completed 60 2700 150, 219, 274 Bolometer No Ground
Archeops Power Spectra Archeops  1999-2002
Completed 10 700 143, 217, 353, 545 Bolometer Yes Balloon
BICEP Power Spectra Background Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic Polarization  2005-2008
Completed 21 335 100, 150, 220 Bolometer Yes Ground
CBI Power Spectra Cosmic Background Imager  2002-2008
Completed 300 3000 26-36,in 10 channels Interferometer/ HEMT No Ground
MSAM Power Spectra Medium Scale Anisotropy Measurement  1992-1997
Completed 69 362 150-650 Bolometer No Ballon
VSA Power Spectra Very Small Array  2002-2004
Completed 130 1800 26-36 Interferometer/ HEMT No Ground
ACT DATA Atacama Cosmology Telescope  2008-date
Active 500 10000 148, 218, 277 Bolometer No Ground
SPT DATA South Pole Telescope  2007-date
Active 650 9500 95, 150, 220 Bolometer No Ground
QUaD DATA Quest (Q and U Extra-Galactic Sub-mm Telescope) at DASI (Degree Angular Scale Interferomete)  2005-2010
Completed n/a n/a 100, 150 Bolometer Yes Ground
QUIET DATA QU Imaging ExperimenT  2008-2010
Completed 60 3500 40, 90 HEMT Yes Ground
WMAP DATA Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe  2001-2010
Completed 2 1200 23, 33, 41, 61, 94 HEMT Yes Satellite
COBE DATA Cosmic Background Explorer  1989-1993
Completed 31.5, 53, 90 - No Satellite
Planck DATA Planck  2009-date
Active 30 -- 857 Radio, Bolometer Yes Satellite
AMI Arcminute MicroKelvin Imager  2005-date
Active - - 12-18 Interferometer No Ground
ACME/ HACME - Advanced Cosmic Microwave Explorer / HEMT+ACME  1988-1996
Completed 10 180 26-35 and 38-45 HEMT No Ground
APACHE - Antarctic PlateauAnisotropy CHasing Experiment  1995-1996
Completed - - 100, 150, 250 Bolometer No Ground
AMiBA - Array for Microwave Background Anisotropy  2007-date
Active - - 90 - Yes Ground
ARGO - ARGO  1988, 1990, 1993
1988, 1990, 1993
Completed 53 180 150-600 Bolometer No Balloon
ATCA - Australia Telescope Compact Array  1991-1997
Completed 3350 6050 8.7 HEMT No Ground
BAM - Balloon- borne Anisotropy Measurement  1995
Completed 30 100 110-250 Liquid-helium cooled, Fourier transform spectrometer No Balloon
BOOMERanG - Balloon Observations Of Millimetric Extragalactic Radiation AND Geophysics  1997-2003
Completed 25 1025 90-420 Bolometer Yes Balloon
CAPMAP - Cosmic Anisotropy Polarization MAPper  2002-2008
Completed 500 1500 90 and 40 MMIC/ HEMT Yes Ground
CAT - Cosmic Anisotropy Telescope  1994-1997
Completed 339 722 13-17 Interferometer/ HEMT No Ground
CG - Cosmological Gene  1997-date
Active 100 1000 0.6 to 32 HEMT No Ground
COMPASS - COsmic Microwave Polarization At Small Scales  2003-date
Active 200 600 26-36 HEMT Yes Ground
DASI - Degree Angular Scale Interfer-ometer  2001-2003
Completed 200 900 26-36,in 10 bands HEMT Yes Ground
FIRS - Far Infra-Red Survey  1989
Completed 3 29 170-680 Bolometer No Balloon
MAT - Mobile Anisotropy Telescope  1997, 1998
1997, 1998
Completed 30 1100 30-140 HEMT/SIS No Ground
MBI-B - Millimeter-Wave Bolometric Interferometer - Future - - 90 Bolometer Yes Ground
MINT - Millimeter INTerfer-ometer - Future 1000 3000 150 SIS No Ground
PIQUE - Princeton I, Q, and U Experiment  2002
Completed 69 362 90 Bolometer Yes Ballon
POLAR - Polarization Observations oF Large Angular Regions  2000
Active 2 30 26-46 HEMT Yes Ground
Polatron - Polatron - Cancelled 200 2000 100 Bolometer Yes Ground
Python - Python  1992-1997
Completed 55 240 30-90 Bolometer/ HEMT No Ground
SK - Saskatoon  1993-1995
Completed 52 401 26-46 HEMT Yes Ground
Tenerife - Tenerife  1984-2000
Completed 13 30 10, 15, 33 HEMT No Ground
TopHat - TopHat  2002-2004
Completed 10 700 150-720 Bolometer No Balloon
BEAST - Background Emission Anisotropy Scanning Telescope  2000-date
Active 10 1000 100 and 150 HEMT Yes Balloon, Ground
BaR-SPOrt - Balloon-borne Radiometers for Sky Polarisation Observations - Cancelled 100 1000 32, 90 Polarizer/OMT Yes Balloon
EBEX - EBEX - Future 25 1000 150-450 Bolometer Yes Balloon
POLARBeaR - POLARization of Background microwave Radiation  2012-date
Active 50 2000 150 Bolometer Yes Ground
BIMA - Berkeley Illinois Maryland Associations  1986-2004
Completed - - 70-116, and 210-270 SIS No Ground
Clover - Clover - Cancelled 20 1000 97, 150 and 230 Bolometer Yes Ground
KUPID - KU-band Polarization IDentifier  2003-date
Active 100 600 12-18 HEMT Yes Ground
COSMOSOMAS - COSMOlogical Structures On Medium Angular Scales  1998-date
Active 10 200 10-18 HEMT No Ground
Relikt Relikt  1983-1984
Completed 37 - No Satellite
SPOrt Sky Polarization Observatory - Cancelled 22 -- 90 - Yes Satellite
BICEP2 - Background Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic Polarization 2  2009-date
Active 21 335 150 Bolometer Yes Ground
KECKArray - Keck Array  2010-date
Active 21 335 150 Bolometer Yes Ground
ABS - Atacama B-mode Search  2011-date
Active 25 200 145 Bolometer Yes Ground
SPIDER - Spider - Future 10 300 90, 150, 280 Yes Balloon
CLASS - Cosmology Large-Angular Scale Surveyor - Future - - 40, 90, 150 Yes Ground
PIPER - Primordial Inflation Polarization Explorer - Future - - 200, 270, 350, 800 Yes Balloon
Cosmic Microwave Background Spectrum Experiments
ARCADE Sky Maps Absolute Radiometer for Cosmology, Astrophysics, and Diffuse Emission  2001-2006
Completed n/a n/a 3, 5, 7, 10, 30, 90 HEMT No Balloon
TRIS - CMB Spectrum Experiments  1994-2000
Completed 0.6, 0.82, 2.5 GHz No Ground
Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect Experiments
APEX-SZ - Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment  2007-date
Active - - 150, 217 Bolometer No Ground
SuZIE - Sunyaev-Zeldovich Infrared Experiment  1996-date
Active 1000 3700 150, 220, 350 Bolometer No Ground
SZA - Sunyaev- Zeldovich Array  2004-date
Active - - 26-36 and 85-115 Interferometer No Ground
MUSTANG MUltiplexed Squid/Tes Array for Ninety Gigahertz  2007-date
Active 6000 40000 90 Bolometer No Ground
MUSTANG2 MUltiplexed Squid/Tes Array for Ninety Gigahertz 2 - Future 1300 40000 90 Bolometer No Ground
A service of the HEASARC and of the Astrophysics Science Division at NASA/GSFC
Goddard Space Flight Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
HEASARC Director: Dr. Alan P. Smale
LAMBDA Director: Dr. David T. Chuss
NASA Official: Dr. David T. Chuss
Web Curator: Michael R. Greason