Gerald R. Ford Museum
Exhibits, Events, Education Center

303 Pearl Street, NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49504

616-254-0400 (tel)
616-254-0386 (fax)

Ford Museum Facebook Page

Hours: 9:00am-5:00pm (Daily)
(Closed New Year's, Thanksgiving, & Christmas Days)

Gerald R. Ford Library
Research, Events, Small Exhibits

1000 Beal Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

734-205-0555 (tel)
734-205-0571 (fax)

Ford Library Facebook Page

Hours: 8:45am-4:45pm (M-F)
(Closed Federal Holidays)

PRESNET Archival Automation System

PRESNET serves as a folder-level index to the manuscript holdings of the Ford Library. It does not index individual documents. Click on this link to see additional information on PRESNET functions, searching, hardware, and software.

Although PRESNET is not directly accessible via the Internet, archivists will be happy to conduct searches and send search reports to you via e-mail. Most PRESNET records are also searchable in the Archives Research Catalog of the National Archives and Records Administration if you wish to conduct your own searches (to search only for Ford Library holdings select Search Options, then Advanced Search and specify the Ford Library as the Location of Archival Materials).

In the sample search report below, the lines with strings of asterisks (*) in the box number column are the titles of manuscript collections.  Lines with actual box numbers in the column show series or folder titles belonging to the last previous collection title listed.  The page count column shows the quantity of material found in individual folders.
Gerald R. Ford Library                                       08:58:25  12-17-97

HIT. NOTES.......... BOX.. TITLE.................................... PAGE COUNT

1                    ***** JAMES E. CONNOR FILES (WH Cabinet
                     ***** Secretary/Staff Secretary)

2                    19    TerHorst Resignation as Press Secretary            2

3                    ***** ROBERT T. HARTMANN FILES (WH Counsellor)

4                    1     1974/09/08 - Announcement of the Nixon            25

5                    13    Nixon Pardon                                      75

6                    18    U.S. News and World Report Interview -           150
                           Hartmann, Marsh, and Buchen (1)-(2)

7                    ***** WILLIAM E. TIMMONS FILES (WH
                     ***** Congressional Relations Office)

8                    7     Nixon/Ford Transition - Hungate                  150
                           Committee Appearance (1)-(2)

9                    7     Nixon/Ford Transition - Nixon Pardon:            100
                           Reaction (1)-(2)

10                   22    Blackburn, Ben                                     4

11                   ***** PHILIP W. BUCHEN FILES (WH Counsel's
                     ***** Office)

12                   28    Nixon - Miller, Herbert J.: Memorandum            30
                           to the Special Prosecutor on Behalf of
                           Richard Nixon

13                   32    Nixon Pardon - Correspondence (1)-(5)            200

14                   32    Nixon Pardon - Ford Statement, 9/8/74             10

15                   32    Nixon Pardon - General (1)-(3)                   150

16                   33    Nixon Pardon - Hungate Subcommittee:             150
                           Background Material (1)-(3)

17                   33    Nixon Pardon - Hungate Subcommittee:             500
                           Correspondence (1)-(6)

18                   33    Nixon Pardon - Hungate Subcommittee:              35
                           Donald Santarelli Memo

19                   33    Nixon Pardon - Hungate Subcommittee:             120
                           Ford Testimony (1)-(2)

20                   34    Nixon Pardon - Hungate Subcommittee:             100
                           Ford Testimony (3)-(4)

21                   34    Nixon Pardon - Hungate Subcommittee:              60

22                   34    Nixon Pardon - Hungate Subcommittee:              20
                           Hearing, 9/24/74

23                   34    Nixon Pardon - Hungate Subcommittee: Ken          50
                           Lazarus Memo re Possible Questions

24                   34    Nixon Pardon - Hungate Subcommittee:              45

25                   34    Nixon Pardon - Lawsuit                            25

26                   34    Nixon Pardon - Legal and Historical              130
                           Precedents (1)-(3)

27                   34    Nixon Pardon - Nixon Statement, 9/8/74             5

28                   34    Nixon Pardon - Other Requests for                 70
                           Pardons Arising From the Nixon Pardon

29                   34    Nixon Pardon - Press Releases, 9/8/74             40

30                   34    Nixon Pardon - Proclamation, 9/8/74                5

31                   34    Nixon Pardon - Woodward and Bernstein             35
                           Articles, 12/10/75

32                   34    Nixon Pardon and Papers - Press                   20
                           Conference, 1974/08/28 (Ford)

33                   35    Nixon Pardon and Papers - Press                   85
                           Conference, 1974/09/08 (Buchen) (1)-(2)

34                   35    Nixon Pardon and Papers - Press                   25
                           Conference, 1974/09/10 (Buchen)

35                   35    Nixon Pardon and Papers - Press                   20
                           Conference, 1974/09/10 (Hushen)

36                   35    Nixon Pardon and Papers - Press                  150
                           Conference, 1974/09/16 (Ford) (1)-(3)

37                   35    Nixon Pardon and Papers - Press                   20
                           Conference, 1974/10/29 (Ford)

38                   41    Personnel - White House: Becker, Benton           20

39                   ***** CHARLES H. McCALL FILES (WH Editorial
                     ***** Staff)

MSG: The McCall Files contain only routine background material
     such as newspaper clippings and press releases.

40                   53    14.3 - Nixon Pardon (1) - (6)                    800

41                   54    14.3 - Nixon Pardon (7) - (12)                   600

42                   ***** DAVID R. GERGEN FILES (WH Communications
                     ***** Office)

43                   6     Nixon, Richard M.                                 30

44                   22    1976/10/14 Press Conference (1)-(2)              100

45                   ***** ELIZABETH M. O'NEILL FILES (First Lady's
                     ***** Staff)

46                   5     Nixon                                             20

47                   ***** PRESIDENT FORD COMMITTEE CAMPAIGN
                     ***** RECORDS

MSG: Box numbers in this collection consist of both a letter and a number.
     The letter indicates the PFC office that created the records.
     A = Chairman's Office
     B = Office of Administration
     C = Political Office
     D = General Counsel's Office
     E = Campaign '76 Media Communications (Media/Advertising)
     F = People for Ford Office
     G = Press Office
     H = Research Office
     J = Delegate Office
     K = Vice Presidential Nominee Office

48                   B81   Nixon, Richard                                    35

49                   E41   Ford Campaign - Sound Roll Transcripts -          75
                           Ford Convention Film Interview at Camp

50                   H30   Carter Quotes - Nixon (1)-(2)                     70

51                   ***** GERALD R. FORD SCRAPBOOKS

52                   Reel  Ford Scrapbooks Microfilm Edition,               648
                     19    August-December 1974

53                   ***** PRESIDENTIAL HANDWRITING FILE

54                   27    Judicial-Legal Matters - Pardons: Nixon           75

55                   ***** ALEXANDER M. HAIG FILES (WH Chief of
                     ***** Staff)

56                   1     Burch, Dean                                       15

57                   1     Hoornstra, John                                   50


MSG: Please write on request slips both the box number(s) and the Central
     Files code - the letters and numbers appearing before the colon in the
     folder title (e.g., FG 23-8-2).

59                   16-18 FG 2-36: Nixon, Richard                          650

60                   123   FG 33-13: House Committees: Judiciary            125

61                   4-12  JL 1/Nixon: Amnesties - Clemencies -            1100

62                   41    SP 3-12: Announcing the Granting of a             20
                           Pardon to Former President Nixon, The
                           Oval Office, 9/8/74

63                   ***** JOHN O. MARSH FILES (WH Counsellor)

64                   25    Nixon, Richard - Pardon: Ford Schedules,          50
                           Telephone Logs and Statements

65                   25    Nixon, Richard - Pardon: General                 110

66                   25    Nixon, Richard - Pardon: House                   130
                           Subcommittee Hearing - Background
                           Materials (1)-(3)

67                   25    Nixon, Richard - Pardon: House                    40
                           Subcommittee Hearing - Ford Statement

68                   25    Nixon, Richard - Pardon: House                    70
                           Subcommittee Hearing - General

69                   ***** KENNETH A. LAZARUS FILES (WH Counsel's
                     ***** Office)

70                   8     FG 33-12: House Judiciary Committee               15

71                   ***** EDWARD C. SCHMULTS FILES (WH Counsel's
                     ***** Office)

72                   19    Nixon Pardon                                      75

73                   ***** DEAN BURCH FILES (WH Counsellor)

74                   4     Nixon Pardon                                       3

75                   4     Polls - General                                   45


77                   1     9/8/74 - Presidential Pardon Message              17

78                   ***** PAUL THEIS AND ROBERT ORBEN FILES (WH
                     ***** Editorial Staff)

79                   2     9/16/74 - Press Conference Questions and           3

80                   ***** PAUL A. MILTICH FILES (WH Press
                     ***** Secretary's Office)

81                   1     9/24/74 - Nixon Pardon (1)-(2)                   125

82                   1     10/22/74 - "Clearing the Air" (Hungate            25

83                   ***** RON NESSEN FILES (WH Press Secretary's
                     ***** Office)

84                   1     Press Secretary Briefings, 8/29/74                27

85                   1     Press Secretary Briefings, 9/3/74                 16

86                   1     Press Secretary Briefings, 9/10/74                21

87                   1     Press Secretary Briefings, 9/12/74                30

88                   2     Press Secretary Briefings, 9/13/74                26

89                   2     Press Secretary Briefings, 9/17/74                24

90                   2     Press Secretary Briefings, 9/25/74                21

91                   2     Press Secretary Briefings, 9/26/74                25

92                   2     Press Secretary Briefings, 9/30/74                22

93                   2     Press Secretary Briefings, 10/1/74                24

94                   2     Press Secretary Briefings, 10/7/74                28

95                   3     Press Secretary Briefings, 10/18/74               23

96                   3     Press Secretary Briefings, 11/6/74                24

97                   15    Press Secretary Briefings, 12/18/75               21

98                   16    Press Secretary Briefings, 2/12/76                34

99                   69    Meet the Press, 10/20/74 - Leon Jaworski          19

100                  ***** JAMES B. SHUMAN FILES (WH Press
                     ***** Secretary's Office)

101                  93    American Bar Association                          30

102                  94    Democrats                                        125

103                  ***** AGNES M. WALDRON FILES (WH Press
                     ***** Secretary's Office)

104                  19    Chronological File (1)-(6)                       200

105                  19    Ford, Gerald R. - Statements on the              200
                           Nixon Pardon (1)-(3)

106                  20    Ford, Gerald R. - Statements on the              180
                           Nixon Pardon (4)-(5)

107                  ***** DAVID C. HOOPES FILES (WH Staff
                     ***** Secretary's Office)

MSG: Most of this collection is not yet indexed by subject in PRESNET.
     Please consult the finding aid or request a search of folder titles
     to locate material.

     Only a small portion of the Hoopes collection has been reviewed by
     archivists to remove any restricted materials. Therefore, the folders
     listed below may not be immediately available. With sufficient advance
     notification, the Library staff will review specific folders and open
     them to research.

108                  17    Pardon of Richard Nixon                           25

109                  ***** EDWARD HUTCHINSON PAPERS (U.S.
                     ***** Representative from Michigan)

MSG: This collection is on deposit from the Bentley Historical Library
     of the University of Michigan.  The University retains title to the

     Folders from this collection listed below may date from any time
     during Hutchinson's service in Congress, 1963-76.  See the finding
     aid for information on series not yet described in PRESNET.

110                  84    Nixon Pardon - President Ford's                  175
                           Appearance Before the Subcommittee on
                           Criminal Justice (1)-(3)

111                  ***** RON NESSEN PAPERS (WH Press Secretary's
                     ***** Office)

112                  16    Nixon, Richard - Pardon: General                  75

113                  16    Nixon, Richard - Pardon: Hungate                 150
                           Subcommittee Appearance (1)-(2)

114                  16    Nixon, Richard - Pardon: Press Releases           75
                           and Press Briefings

115                  16    Nixon, Richard - Pardon: Wire Service             30

116                  55    1/2/77 - John Osborne, "New Republic"             40

117                  117   Becker, Benton                                     1

118                  119   Harris Poll on Nixon Pardon                        1

119                  296   January 30, 1976 - Miscellaneous Notes             1

120                  300   Memorandum for Cheney and Marsh re Bob            15

121                  ***** MICHAEL RAOUL-DUVAL PAPERS (Domestic
                     ***** Council; WH Intelligence Coordinating
                     ***** Group; WH Operations Office)

122                  26    First Debate, 9/23/76: Issues -                   20

123                  ***** BENTON L. BECKER PAPERS (Attorney;
                     ***** Advisor to Gerald Ford)

124                  1-2   General Subject File, {This is a Series

125                  2     Nixon Pardon - Acceptance Statement                8

126                  2     Nixon Pardon - Becker's Memorandum                18

127                  2     Nixon Pardon - Correspondence                     25

128                  2     Nixon Pardon - Legal Precedents                   40

                     ***** (Scholar)

MSG: Researchers must secure Mr. Reichley's written permission in order
     to use direct quotes from the interviews.

130                  2     Richardson, Elliot (Nixon and Ford                10
                           Cabinets) - Interview, 1/9/78

131                  2     Schweiker, Richard - Interview, 1/17/78            5

132                  ***** JOHN W. "BILL" ROBERTS PAPERS (WH Press
                     ***** Secretary's Office)

133                  6     President - Interviews                            50

134                  6     President - Testimony to Hungate                  45

135                  ***** ROBERT T. HARTMANN PAPERS (Reporter;
                     ***** Aide to Congressman Gerald R. Ford;
                     ***** Chief of Staff to the Vice President;
                           Counsellor to the President)

MSG: Mr. Hartmann did not donate to the Library his copyright to
     unpublished writings in this collection.

136                  131   Hartmann - Interviews (1)                         75

137                  139   Hungate Committee Investigation                   50

138                  145   Nixon Pardon (1)-(2)                             145

139                  145   Nixon Pardon - Clippings                          65

140                  167   ter Horst, Jerry - Resignation                    15

141                  171   9/8/74 - Pardon Statement                         75

142                  ***** AMERICA SINCE HOOVER COLLECTION:
                     ***** LIBRARIES

MSG: This collection contains photocopies of documents gathered from
     eight presidential libraries to illustrate prominent personalities,
     issues and events in recent American history. For copyright
     information on any given document, please contact the presidential
     library which holds the original.

143                  11    Nixon Pardon                                      21

MSG: The folder listed above contains material copied from other
     collections in the Ford Library.

144                  ***** COMPOSITE ORAL HISTORY ACCESSIONS

145                  1     Ford, Gerald R.: Interviewed by Jack              12
                           Lessenberry, 1995 (Acc. No. 95-NLF-024)