Answers about Mortgages

I am struggling to pay my mortgage and would like to get assistance. What should I do?

The first step for any homeowner struggling to pay their mortgages is to contact their lender.  Lenders are in the best position to assist you.  Homeowners can also seek assistance through the "Making Home Affordable" plan, which provides responsible homeowners with support to obtain affordable refinancing or loan modifications to help them stay in their homes. Housing counselors are available to help you.

  • To find a counselor, contact the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) at (800) 569-4287 or (877) 483-1515, or visit their Web site.
  • Call (888) 995-HOPE, the Homeowner's HOPE Hotline, to reach a nonprofit, HUD-approved counselor through HOPE NOW, a cooperative effort of mortgage counselors and lenders to assist homeowners.
  • Visit NeighborWorks America’s Web site.

Visit the “Making Home Affordable” program Web site for more information about the administration's program to assist troubled homeowners with refinancing or loan modifications.

August 2011