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You are here: NRS Home / Research Units / Sustaining Forests in a Changing Environment
Sustaining Forests in a Changing Environment

Our Mission

[photo:] Forest in fall colorsOur mission is to provide basic ecological understanding, management guidelines, and policy-relevant information to sustain forest ecosystems in an environment changing rapidly through the direct and interacting effects of changes in climate, air quality, deer impacts, fire regimes, invasive species, land use, and human values.

Our Research Areas

Our focus is on sustaining biological diversity, economic and ecological productivity, forest health and vitality, and contributions to carbon cycles. Much of our research is conducted in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and adjacent states in mixed oak, Allegheny hardwood, and northern hardwood forests, but our work has national and global implications.

Our research approach is to understand and manage: We develop basic ecological understanding through observational and manipulative studies, then develop guidelines that help policy makers and managers sustain these forests.  We focus our research on sustaining forests in a changing environment on five broad problem areas:

Recent Publications

Last Modified: 01/11/2012

Sustaining Forests
Featured Products

[image:] Screenshot of Climate Change Atlas

Climate Change Bird and Tree Atlases


Prescribing regeneration treatments for mixed-oak forests in the Mid-Atlantic region


Beyond "fire temperatures": calibrating thermocouple probes and modeling their response to surface fires in hardwood fuels


Herms DA, Gandhi KJK, Cardina J, Long RP, Knight KS, Smith A, and McCullough DG. 2008. Impacts of emerald ash borer – induced gap formation on forest communities. [abstract] In: Proceedings, Emerald ash borer research and development meeting. October 23-24, 2007. Pittsburgh, PA. FHTET-2008-07. p. 10.


[photo:] Mark TwerySupervisory Research forester, Mark Twery, is featured in Faces of the Forest Service. More>>

Featured Resource

[image:] Tumbnail images of first page of Ailanthus VerticilliumWilt Photoguide – Help Find It in Ohio.

Ailanthus VerticilliumWilt Photoguide – Help Find It in Ohio (2.2 mb pdf -- This document is in PDF format. You may obtain a free PDF reader from Adobe.)