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CoRP shieldMark DeMaria

Cooperative Research Program

Regional and Mesoscale Meteorology Branch, in Fort Collins, Colorado
Research Scientist

Recent Publications

To see Dr. DeMaria's complete list of publications, abstracts, and citation metrics, visit his ResearcherID page.

Mark DeMaria photoMark DeMaria earned a B.S. in Meteorology (1977) from Florida State University, and a Masters (1979) and PhD (1983) in Atmospheric Science from Colorado State University. He was a Post Doctoral Fellow in the Advanced Study Program at NCAR in 1984-1985 and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Marine, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at North Carolina State University in 1985-1987. He joined NOAA in 1987 and has worked as a research meteorologist at the OAR Hurricane Research Division (1987-1995), as the Chief of the Technical Support Branch of the NCEP Tropical Prediction Center (1995-1998) and as the Chief of the NESDIS Regional and Mesoscale Meteorology Branch (1998-present).

During most of his career, Dr. DeMaria has worked on research and development related to tropical cyclone forecasting, mesoscale meteorology and numerical weather prediction. He has received the Banner Miller Award from the American Meteorological Society three times (1987, 1989, and 2002) for his work on tropical cyclone forecasting.

Current research includes the utilization of satellite observations to improve tropical cyclone genesis and intensity forecasting, the development of satellite-based wind retrieval techniques, and tropical applications of hyper-spectral infrared soundings.

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