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ERS-2 Scatterometer Data Products

Described in this page are the Wind vectors data products derived from the ERS-2 Scatterometer.

The ERS-2 products of ocean surface winds at 10m height are from satellite passes as computed by ESA, who provided in their fast delivery product data. The currently used empirical model is s referred to as CMOD4 (ESA), which relates normalized radar cross-section with wind speed and direction i

Please Note: this web site is not maintained with 24x7 support.

For closer examination of the wind fields, a global image is further divided into 30x20 degree bins between latitudes 80N to 80S and longitudes 180W to 180E so as to provide easy HTML links to data images of specific interest . Just click on the desired geographical location and hopefully a closer look will be provided.

The images may contain data up to 22 hours previous from update time. Click here for the ocean surface winds from the near real-time (NRT) observation data. Please read the product release notes and this note concerning the near real-time ERS-2 wind products.

Details of orbit data files that go into the plots can be found here.