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What is RSS?

RSS stands for 'Really Simple Syndication'.  It is a way to find out the latest information and news on the internet that you are interested in, and deliver new content directly to you.  This content is called a "feed".  An orange logo with  RSS or XML indicates an RSS feed that you can subscribe to.

What is RSS Reader?

RSS reader or the "live bookmark" function available in recent versions of most web browsers allows you to scan headlines from a number of news sources in a central location.  When you click on the feed links RSS on library webpages, your browser will attempt to subscribe to the feed using the tool is set as the default RSS reader on your computer.

Where Can I Get an RSS Reader?

If you use web browsers, such as: Mozilla Firefox 2.0, Safari 2.0 or Internet Explorer 7 or above, have built in RSS readers.  There are a variety of free sites that allow you to maintain your feed list and read feeds online. The most popular are Bloglines, Google Reader, My Yahoo and NetNewsWire.

Subscribe to the Scientific Library RSS Feeds

Now you can keep up with continuously updated items from the Scientific Library.  Just click on the content areas you are interested in and follow the instructions in your news reader for adding a feed.  RSS feeds are noted on library webpages by the RSS icon.

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P.O. Box B., Bldg. 549, Frederick, MD 21702      Tel: (301) 846-1093      Email: NCIFredLibrary@mail.nih.gov
Last Updated: Saturday, November 10, 2012      
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