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United States, National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health American Indian Health: An information portal to issues affecting the health and well-being of American Indians
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Our Health

American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Diabetes
(National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse, NIH)

Diabetes - Arctic Health
(National Library of Medicine and University of Alaska Anchorage)

Diabetes Wellness Connection
(Native American Diabetes Project)

Health for Native Life Magazine
(Indian Health Services)
Free, online magazine, with articles about living a healthy life.

How is Diabetes Treated in Children
(Food and Drug Administration)

I Can Lower My Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: A Guide for American Indians (PDF, 1.31 MB)
(National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, NIH)
An information workbook to use for nutrition and exercise.

Take Care Of Your Heart. Manage Your Diabetes (PDF, 149 KB)
(National Diabetes Education Program is a joint program of NIH and CDC, DHHS)

Ten Ways American Indians Can Prevent Type 2 Diabetes (PDF, 45 KB)
(National Diabetes Education Program is a joint program of NIH and CDC, DHHS)
Easy-to-read fast sheet on preventing Type 2 Diabetes.

The Pima Indians: Pathfinders for Health
(National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, NIH)

We Have the Power (PDF, 518 KB)
(National Diabetes Education Program is a joint program of NIH and CDC, DHHS)

Women's Health - Diabetes
(Indian Health Service)

Our Stories

Choosing Good Food
(National Institute for Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, NIH)
A Pima man's story of how he avoided dialysis by changing his diet.

Delores's and Evelyn's Story
(Wisdom of the Elders)
A conversation between a tribal diabetes coordinator and a woman managing her diabetes about the importance of eating healthly.
(This video requires the use of the RealPlayer, which can be downloaded from RealPlayer's Web site at no charge.)

Ernest's Story
(Wisdom of the Elders)
Ernest has successfully met the challenge of diabetes and shares his experiences.
(This video requires the use of the RealPlayer, which can be downloaded from RealPlayer's Web site at no charge.)

Horse Song: a special presentation for diabetes education
(Indian Health Services and Northern Navajo Medical Center)
This innovative drama portrays the challenges faced by a Navajo family in dealing with diabetes. The program incorporates the Navajo language and culture into this outreach tool. This video is 60 minutes long.
(This video requires the use of the RealPlayer, which can be downloaded from RealPlayer's Web site at no charge.)

Jerry's Story
(Wisdom of the Elders)
A Cowlitz elder, Jerry, talks about how he learned the serious complications from diabetes can be reduced with proper diet and daily exercise.
(This video requires the use of the RealPlayer, which can be downloaded from RealPlayer's Web site at no charge.)

Managing Diabetes Podcast
(National Diabetes Education Program)
Rudy, from the Hualapai Tribe, tells how he took control of his diabetes.
Audio (This video requires the use of the Windows Media Player, which can be downloaded from Windows Media Player's Web site at no charge.)
Transcript (PDF, 34 KB)

Native Americans and Diabetes
(National Institute for Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, NIH)
This story tells of a woman who has a family history of diabetes and how she is learning to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Video plays for 4 minutes 44 seconds.

A Pima Mother and Her Daughters: Controlling and Avoiding Diabetes
(National Institute for Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases)
A Pima mother discusses her family history of diabetes and the impact on her three young daughters.

Valerie's and Karen's Talk
(Wisdom of the Elders)
A conversation between the Nimiipuu health clinic's exercise and health program instructor and a woman that has struggled with diabetes for more than twenty years.
(This video requires the use of the RealPlayer, which can be downloaded from RealPlayer's Web site at no charge.)

The Pima Indians: Donna Young: Losing Weight to Avoid Diabetes
(National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, NIH)
Donna's family has a history of diabetes and she decides to make lifestyle changes to help prevent it.

Reducing Diabetes Disparities in American Indian Communities (Wind River Reservation, Wyoming)
(Alliance to Reduce Disparities in Diabetes, University of Michigan)

This video provides narratives of users and workers involved a diabetes education program.

For Researchers, Health Professionals, & Educators

Diabetes and American Indians/Alaska Natives
(Office of Minority Health, HHS)
This resource provides diabetes statistics and incidence rates.

Diabetes and Native Americans and Cardiovascular Diseases
(National Library of Medicine)
Journal citations from MEDLINE/PubMed

Diabetes and Native Americans and Children
(National Library of Medicine)
Journal citations from MEDLINE/PubMed

Native Americans and Diabetes
(National Library of Medicine)
Journal citations from MEDLINE/PubMed, limited to the last 5 years

American Indian and Alaskan Native Community Partnership Guide (PDF, 293 KB)
(National Diabetes Education Program is a joint program of NIH and CDC, DHHS)
Guide to the Move IT! Campaign to reduce diabetes risk by increasing physical activity.

Move It! Reduce Your Risk of Diabetes School Kit (PDF, 4,194 KB)
(National Diabetes Education Program is a joint program of NIH and CDC, DHHS)
This school kit includes posters, diabetes fact sheets, tips and ideas for youth to increase regular physical activity. Since the campaigns launch in 2002, over 2,500 schools that serve American Indian students have received these packets.

Diabetes Education in Tribal Schools
(National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, NIH)
The Diabetes Education in Tribal Schools program provides curriculumn research and evaluation resources. The "Health Is Life in Balance" curriculum has been designed to increase American Indian and Alaska Native students understanding of health, diabetes, and maintaining life in balance; to increase their understanding and application of scientific and community knowledge; and to increase interest in science and health professions among American Indian and Alaska Native youth.

Division of Diabetes Treatment and Prevention
(Indian Health Service, HHS)
This site provides model programs, Web-based training, clinical guidelines and best practies for health professionals.

Facts–At–a–Glance Diabetes in American Indians and Alaska Natives
(Indian Health Service)
T2008 publication providing diabetes statistics.

Prevention and Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Children, With Special Emphasis on American Indian and Alaska Native Children (PDF, 259 KB)
(American Academy of Pediatrics)
This article presents guidelines for preventive efforts, early diagnosis, and collaborative care of the patient and family within the context of a medical home.

Reducing Diabetes Disparities in American Indian Communities (Wind River Reservation)
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Summary of goals, approaches and progress of a diabetes program on Wind River Indian Reservation.

Resources and Tools – Native Diabetes Wellness Program
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Provides posters, health communication planning, stories and publications.

Organizations and Programs

American Indian and Alaskan Native Community Partnership Guide (PDF, 293 KB)
(National Diabetes Education Program is a joint program of NIH and CDC, DHHS)

Diabetes Grant Program
(Association of American Indian Physicians)

Diabetic Eye Disease Program
(National Eye Institute, NIH)

Move It! Reduce Your Risk of Diabetes School Kit (PDF, 4,194 KB)
(National Diabetes Education Program is a joint program of NIH and CDC, DHHS)

Native Americans and Diabetes
(American Diabetes Association)

Native Diabetes Wellness Program
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
The mission of the Native Diabetes Wellness Program is to work with a growing circle of partners to address the health inequities so starkly revealed by diabetes in Indian Country. With social justice and respect for Native and Western science as grounding principles, we strive to support community efforts to promote health and prevent diabetes.

Health Information About Diabetes for Everyone

Diabetes in MedlinePlus
(National Library of Medicine)

Diabetes Disparities Among Racial and Ethnic Minorities
(Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, DHHS)

Diabetic Eye Problems in MedlinePlus
(National Library of Medicine)

Diabetic Foot in MedlinePlus
(National Library of Medicine)

Diabetes Screening, Supplies, and Self-Management Training
(Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, DHHS)

Eliminate Disparities in Diabetes
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, DHHS)

PDF documents require the use of the Adobe® Acrobat® Reader, which can be downloaded from Adobe‘s Web site at no charge.