FIRST Observations of Far-infrared Spectra from the RHUBC-II Campaign

Martin Mlynczak NASA - Langley Research Center
Richard Cageao NASA - Langley Research Center
Dave Johnson NASA - Langley Research Center
John Alford NASA - Langley Research Center
Dave Kratz NASA
Joseph Lee NASA - Langley Research Center
Glenn Farnsworth NASA - Langley Research Center

Category: Radiation

Working Group: Cloud Life Cycle

Image Thumbnail
FIRST-observed spectra (red curve) compared with radiative transfer calculations (blue curve) in the 300 to 400 wavenumber interval. Data observed on September 19, 2009, on Cerro Toco, Chile, at an altitude of 5.5 km.

The Far-Infrared Spectroscopy of the Troposphere (FIRST) instrument was one of three instruments measuring downwelling infrared spectra during the Radiative Heating in the Underexplored Bands Campaign II (RHUBC-II), carried out at an altitude of 5.5 km on Cerro Toco, Chile from August to October 2009. FIRST is a Michelson interferometer covering the spectral range from 80 to 2000 wavenumbers at a nominal resolution of 0.643 wavenumbers. In this poster we will present far-infrared spectra observed over the course of the mission. These will be compared with radiative transfer calculations developed from the temperature and moisture profiles observed simultaneously by radiosonde during the campaign.

This poster will be displayed at ASR Science Team Meeting.

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