
In 2006, Argonne laboratory director Robert Rosner formed the AAI as a focal point for accelerator initiatives. The institute works to utilize Argonne's extensive accelerator resources, to enhance existing facilities, to determine the future of accelerator development and construction, and to oversee a dynamic and acclaimed accelerator physics portfolio.

I invite you to look around the content of this web site.

  • Accelerators at Argonne describes our rich heritage in this field, particularly with respect to the development and support of user facilities.
  • Initiatives describes the things we are hoping to do, and Research & Development discusses our research portfolio.
  • If you are a graduate or undergraduate student wishing to pursue a career in accelerator science or technology, please see Educational Opportunities.
I welcome all comments and questions.

Rod Gerig
Director, Argonne Accelerator Institute
(630) 252-5710