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Weekly Highlights


From: Gabrielle Boudreaux Bodin
Subject: Weekly Highlights, USGS National Wetlands Research Center, October 11, 2012  

Departmental/Bureau News - Current

  • CWPPRA Task Force Meeting: Scott Wilson, USGS NWRC Branch Chief and CWPPRA Public Outreach Committee Chairman; Kate Spear, USGS Ecologist; and Five Rivers Services contractors Susan Testroet-Bergeron, CWPPRA Outreach Coordinator; and Cole Ruckstuhl, Media Specialist, will participate in the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act Task Force meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, on October 11. Testroet-Bergeron will present the outreach committee’s quarterly report to the Task Force. (Scott Wilson; Lafayette, La.; 337-266-8644)

  • USGS Southeast Region Directors Meet: USGS National Wetlands Research Center Director Phil Turnipseed will meet with center and regional directors in Atlanta from October 16-18 during the first meeting of the newly formed USGS Southeast Region. Turnipseed will report on NWRC’s emerging science, work force planning, and the center’s financial status during 2012-2013. (D. Phil Turnipseed; Lafayette, La.; 337-266-8501)

  • NRCS Louisiana State Technical Committee Meeting: USGS NWRC Branch Chief Tom Doyle will participate in the Natural Resources Conservation Service Louisiana State Technical Committee quarterly meeting on October 18, in Alexandria, Louisiana. The LSTC is an advisory group coordinated by the Louisiana State Conservationist to help organize and deliver Farm Bill related program benefits. (Thomas Doyle; Lafayette, La.; 337-266-8647)

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