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From: Gabrielle Boudreaux Bodin
Subject: Weekly Highlights, USGS National Wetlands Research Center, March 1, 2012  

Departmental/Bureau News - Current

  • NWRC Scientist Presents Research Involving Asian Carp: USGS National Wetlands Research Center scientist Jill Jenkins presented “Answering Asian Carp Management Questions with Molecular Technology at the National Wetlands Research Center” for the USGS Invasive Species Interest Group monthly presentation on February 23, 2012. It was a new subject for the group. In attempts to help natural resource managers at assessing potential stressors to native aquatic species and habitats, research has been ongoing with Asian carp at the USGS National Wetlands Research Center whereby cell and molecular technologies are providing data for assessing ploidy of both larvae produced by industry and of post-mortem adult feral Asian carp. The technology is also used for assessing success in produced batches of triploid animals, including sport fish. The presentation provided a brief overview of the methodology, use, and current research status, as well as how this research is meeting some of the strategic goals of the comprehensive national Asian carp management and control plan, available at (Jill Jenkins; Lafayette, La.; 337-266-8607)
  • NWRC To Host Short Course for La. Environmental Education Symposium: The Louisiana Environmental Education Commission and the Louisiana Environmental Education Association will host the 15th Annual Louisiana Environmental Education Symposium on March 9-10, 2012, in Lafayette, La. Teachers will have the chance to learn new environmental education techniques and network with other educators. In association with the meeting, the USGS National Wetlands Research Center will host a short course titled “Louisiana Coastal Wetlands–An Inside View of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) that Goes on Behind the Scenes” on March 9. USGS National Wetlands Research Center Director Phil Turnipseed will welcome teachers and encourage them to learn new STEM techniques related to Louisiana’s coastal wetlands. Contractors Cole Ruckstuhl and Susan Testroet-Bergeron and NWRC Information Specialist Gabrielle Boudreaux Bodin will lead the event and provide teachers with contemporary lesson plans, wetland publications, interactive games, and wetland resources to take back to their classrooms. Additionally, the visitors will have an opportunity to meet some of NWRC’s scientists and tour the Center. (Susan Testroet-Bergeron; Lafayette, La.; 337-266-8623)

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