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From: Gabrielle Boudreaux Bodin
Subject: Weekly Highlights, USGS National Wetlands Research Center, August 27, 2009      

Departmental/Bureau News - Upcoming

  • NWRC Scientist To Present Lecture on Ecological Resilience: On September 10, 2009, USGS National Wetlands Research Center scientist Jim Grace will present an invited seminar at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff on “The memory theory of ecological resilience.” This theory represents a new way of discovering elements of the historical legacies of systems that contribute to their resilience in the face of environmental change and disturbance. In conjunction with this visit, Grace will teach a workshop on structural equation modeling, a methodological framework for process discovery in multivariate systems. (James Grace, Lafayette, La., 337-8632)

  • NWRC Scientist To Give Invited Talk on System Perspectives on Wildlife Dynamics: At this year’s meeting of The Wildlife Society, being held September 18-24, 2009 in Monterey, Calif., USGS National Wetlands Research Center scientist Jim Grace will present a talk on “The use of structural equation modeling to investigate multiscale influences on the resident herbivore hotspots in the Serengeti.” In this talk, coauthored by Michael Anderson (Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, N.C.), Grant Hopcraft and Han Olff (Groningen University, The Netherlands), and Stephanie Eby and Mark Ritchie (Syracuse University, Syracuse, N.Y.), Grace will describe the group’s efforts to disentangle multiple controls on the herbivore populations of the Serengeti. (James Grace, Lafayette, La., 337-8632)           

Departmental/Bureau News - Current

  • Operational Radar Capability Integrated Into the USGS Civil-operational Remote Sensing Architecture: USGS National Wetlands Research Center scientist Elijah Ramsey presented and participated with Zhong Lu of the USGS EROS & Cascades Volcano Observatory and Gerald Bawden, Acting USGS Southwest Area Staff Scientist, in a USGS Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Science Seminar held in Washington, D.C., on August 11-12, 2009. The presentations and discussions were provided as a Webinar format allowing national participation and interaction. The final goal of the workshop was to begin the process of writing an initiative for a USGS SAR program beginning in fiscal year 2012. (Elijah Ramsey, Lafayette, La., 337-266-8575)

Press Inquiries/Media - Newspapers/magazines/wires, etc.

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