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From: Susan Horton
Subject: Weekly Highlights, USGS National Wetlands Research Center, October 15, 2007


USGS Scientist Shares in Nobel Prize: On October 12, an announcement was made that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), jointly with former U. S. Vice-President Al Gore, has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. USGS scientist Virginia Burkett shares in this honor as a member of the IPCC team who was charged with critically reviewing the science and developing both a consensus and synthesis of scientific information. Renate Christ, the Secretary of the IPCC, says, “It is the most significant recognition that the IPCC has received for providing policymakers with objective and balanced information about the causes and impacts of climate change and possible response measures.”
(Virginia Burkett, Lafayette, LA, 318-256-5628)

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