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From: Susan Horton
Subject: Biology Highlights for National Wetlands Research Center, October 17, 2005

I. Department/Bureau News

B. Current

USGS Scientist Judges Louisiana Duck Stamp Contest: USGS scientist Clint Jeske has been invited to judge the 2006 Louisiana Waterfowl Conservation Stamp art competition in Baton Rouge on October 26. Jeske’s expertise is waterfowl biology, but he also carves birds as a hobby. In 1988, the Louisiana Legislature authorized the Louisiana Waterfowl Conservation Stamp program that has since generated more than 8 million dollars for wetlands conservation. (Susan Horton, Lafayette, LA, 337-266-8655)

Students Helping Students After Hurricanes: Working with the United Way of Acadiana (Louisiana), USGS’s Debbie Norling served as a liaison for two schools whose students wanted to help school children in south Louisiana as they recover from y Jefferson Elementary School in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, and Luther Academy in Rockford, Illinois, sent boxes of school supplies and hand-written cards and pictures of encouragement that have been distributed by United Way to schools in coastal Louisiana parishes. A letter from the third grade teachers at Luther Academy said, “This has been a great lesson for our students in helping out others in times of need.” Norling also sent wetland activity booklets and wetland investi-gator stickers to students and wetland education packets to teachers for the classroom. (Susan Horton, Lafayette, LA, 337-266-8655)

III. Press Inquiries/Media

USGS provided an image of Hurricane Katrina’s impact on Louisiana’s wetlands for the October 17, 2005 newsletter of the National Association of Counties.

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