Project Description
Image of the Amite River

This project will construct gaps in the existing dredged material banks of the Amite River Diversion Canal to allow floodwaters to introduce additional nutrients and sediment into western Maurepas Swamp. The exchange of flow would occur during flood events on the river and from the runoff of localized rainfall events. Nutrients and sediment would be provided to facilitate organic deposition in the swamp, improve biological productivity, and prevent further swamp deterioration.

Prior studies and reports have documented degradation in the swamp adjacent to the diversion canal and have further demonstrated a need for ecosystem restoration that stimulated historical hydrologic conditions.

This project is designed to complement two other LCA projects: the Hope Canal Diversion and Convent/Blind River Diversion, and one proposed Coastal Impact Assistance Program project, Hydrologic Restoration in Swamps West of Lake Maurepas.

The area is situated along the Amite River Diversion Canal in Ascension and Livingston parishes, in the vicinity of Head of Island, Louisiana.