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To learn more about MONAHRQ®, visit the Resources page.

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For assistance with any questions or to provide feedback on MONAHRQ, please contact technical support at

Linking to Your MONAHRQ-generated Web site

We will be happy to link to your public MONAHRQ-generated Web site. Please contact technical assistance ( and provide the following information:

  • Name of your organization
  • Sponsor of the Web site (if different than above)
  • A hyperlink to your Web site
  • Date the site went live
  • The version of MONAHRQ that was used to generated the Web site.

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What's New?

New! December 18 - MONAHRQ 4.0.1 is now available for download! Version 4.0.1 is a minor release that includes support for estimated cost savings and other features.

New! September 18 - Visit the MONAHRQ-generated Hospital Discharge Health Data Site from the Arkansas Department of Health.

New! September 6 - The July 2012 CMS Hospital Compare file is available for use with MONAHRQ.

New! August 27 - The new Quick Start Guide highlights changes in version 4.0 for experienced MONAHRQ users.

New! August 10 - Visit the MONAHRQ 4.0-generated live demo Website.

New! August 7 - MONAHRQ 4.0 is now available for download! Version 4.0 is a major release that includes several new features and updates. A demo site is coming soon.

June 28 - Visit the MONAHRQ 3.0-generated live demo Website.

June 16 - MONAHRQ 3.0 is now available for download! Version 3.0 is a major release that includes several new features and updates. A demo site is coming soon.

March 19 - MONAHRQ 2.0.4. now available for download! Version 2.0.4. is a maintenance release that replaces version 2.0.3.

February 28 - HHS has posted a Request for Proposals (RFP) for My Own Network Powered by AHRQ - MONAHRQ.

January 18 - The new MyQI Nursing Guide provides quality improvement resources for nursing professionals.
Internet Citation: MONAHRQ®. November 2012. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.
If you have comments, suggestions, and/or questions, please contact
Last modified 11/8/12.
AHRQ  Advancing Excellence in Health Care