Monthly Archives: November 2009

An Overview of Undercounts

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“… In 2000 only about 70 percent of the population returned their information, leaving several areas seriously under-counted and under-represented …” I’ve recently read many stories that don’t reflect how the 2010 Census will actually be conducted. The quote above … Continue reading

Posted in Non-response Follow Up | 27 Comments

Checking Out a Future Questionnaire Assistance Center

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Yesterday in Dallas, I visited the Brady Center. The Center is operated by Catholic Charities and serves older residents in the area. When I arrived, the basement of the Center was filled with about 100 folks who had just finished … Continue reading

Posted in Questionnaire Assistance Center | 19 Comments

Campus Counting

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Yesterday I met with the state of Ohio Complete Count Committee in Columbus. Like all CCCs, they’ve taken on the job of getting the word out about the census – in this case to all the diverse groups in the … Continue reading

Posted in College Students | 22 Comments

Let the Testing and Hiring Begin!

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“Testing This Week Could Lead To One Of Hundreds Of Open Census Jobs” “Census Bureau To Hire 23,000 In Wisconsin” “Bilingual Applicants Needed For Census Jobs” “Census To Hire Workers” “US Census Bureau Looking For Recruits” News articles with these … Continue reading

Posted in Non-response Follow Up | 12 Comments

Counted Once

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Yesterday, my wife Cindy and I went to dinner at the Collington Episcopal Life Community near Largo, Maryland. One of my heroines, Margaret Martin, a giant figure in U.S. government statistics, lives there and invited me to talk to the … Continue reading

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