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Upcoming Events

Looking for events related to Healthy People 2020? Check this page regularly for updates on upcoming Webinars and events, public meetings, tools, and new resources. For a complete list of past Healthy People 2020 Webinars, visit the Webinars & Events archive.

What to Expect in 2013

Healthy People 2020 Progress Review WebinarsNew

Want to know what progress has been made on Healthy People 2020 objectives so far this decade? Join us for Webinars every other month to hear the latest data on objectives across Healthy People Topic Areas. The discussion will focus on crosscutting themes, collaborations that lead to success, and challenges to achieving Healthy People 2020 targets. (Webinar months: February, April, June, August, October)

Who’s Leading the Leading Health Indicators? Series

  • Webinars: Join us on the second-to-last Thursday of every other month for a Who’s Leading the Leading Health Indicators? Webinar, featuring an organization that is making significant progress toward addressing a highlighted LHI topic. (Webinar months: January, March, May, July, September, November)
  • Monthly emails: Subscribe External Web Site Policy to get the latest information about the LHI series, featured organizations, and latest data and trends – delivered right to your inbox!
  • Monthly Twitter Chats:New Participate in our “After the Show” Twitter chats featuring @HHS_DrKoh to ask questions or share resources related to an LHI topic. Follow along using the hashtag #LHI.

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