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Ibarra, Mickey
FOIA 2006-0197-F (segment 2)
This collection consists of records concerning Native Akmerican Policy during the Clinton Administration. Segment 2 contains email from the Automated Records Management System (ARMS) Email. ARMS Email for this collection contain the phrases “Bureau of Indian Affairs” or “Federal Indian Policy” in the “Subject” line. The records include email created and received by Mickey Ibarra with specific reference to Indians/Native Americans. Ibarra served as Assistant to the President and Director of Intergovernmental Affairs at the White House from 1997-2001.
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FOIA 2008-1516-F AV
This is a video recording of a videotaped message by President Clinton in the Cabinet Room. The President taped remarks that were to be released on January 29, 1998 in reference to the occasion of ID AL-FITR, a three-day Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan. The President's remarks were for the Muslim community around the world.
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Inman, Bobby Ray
FOIA 2006-0997-F
This collection consists of records relating to Admiral Bobby Ray Inman and his work as a member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. Inman was a well respected and long-term member of the United States intelligence community by the beginning of the Clinton Administration. He had served on the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board under President George H. W. Bush. He was selected by President William J. Clinton on December 16, 1993 to succeed Les Aspin as Secretary of Defense. His term on the PFIAB was not renewed.
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Intelligence - ND006
FOIA 2006-0987-F
This collection consists of materials assigned the subject code ND006 by the White House Office of Records Management (WHORM). This subject code is for matters related to intelligence. These files contain correspondence, drafts of legislation, and reports on issues regarding that topic."
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Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP)
FOIA 2010-1205-F
This collection consists of the list of cases before the Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel, 1996-2000. The list produced is a hard copy of the electronic database maintained by the Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO) on behalf of ISCAP. This unclassified list reflects the cases before the panel from 1996 to December 15, 2000. It identifies documents on appeal and it shows agency decisions on declassification as well as the panel’s ruling on the appeal. This database was available in an electronic form from the ISOO by request.
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International Broadcasting
FOIA 2006-0202-F
This collection consists of records related to International Broadcasting. U.S. international broadcasting began to evolve after the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union. The International Broadcasting Act of 1994 consolidated foreign transmission efforts within the United States Information Agency (USIA). The Voice of America (VOA), Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), Radio Marti and Radio Free Asia are under the umbrella of the International Broadcasting Bureau within USIA. The files contain correspondence, memoranda, speeches, schedules, email, and cables.
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FOIA 2006-0477-F
This collection consists of speech drafts, press releases, memos, correspondence, email, and cables related records pertaining to the speech given by President Clinton at the Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Belfast, Northern Ireland on November 30, 1995.
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Jennings, Chris
This collection contains records from the files of Chris Jennings’ related to the Health Security Act. The records include memoranda, correspondence, reports, press releases, briefing papers, statistical data, graphs, legislative drafts, publications, and news. This material provides a detailed analysis of the Act, as well as a chronological subseries that focuses on legislative strategies to enact the Health Security Act. This collection also contains material examining the alternatives to the Act.
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Systematic 2011-0747-S
This collection consists of records related to health care appropriations and legislation from October 1999 to December 2000. This collection consists of reports, memoranda, draft legislation, resumes, the First Lady’s schedules, articles, and correspondence from congress, non-profit organizations, health care interest groups, and private citizens.
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Systematic 2011-0747-S
This collection consists of records related to Chris Jennings’ travel, speaking engagements, and meetings. This collection contains correspondence, faxes, invitations, email, travel voucher and reimbursement forms, invoices, and receipts from 1996-2000.
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This collection consists of Chris Jennings’ Subject Files series. The collection contains memoranda, correspondence, graphs, statistical data, reports, press releases, briefing papers, handwritten notes, newspaper and magazine clippings, and publications. This series covers a wide variety of health-related topics, including a proposed Prescription Drug Benefit, proposals for a Patients Bill of Rights, prevention and treatment of AIDS, medical research, reform of the Food and Drug Administration, and the financing of federal health programs within the framework of the Balanced Budget Act (BBA). The Subject Files contains a significant amount of material related to concerns stemming from demographic changes (specifically the aging of the “Baby Boom” generation) which threaten the future solvency of both the Medicare and Medicaid trust funds. Another large segment of this series deals with the Administration’s efforts to prevent the Republican-controlled Congress from converting the Medicaid program into a system of block grants to the states. The Clinton Administration took the position that such a move would effectively cap federal contributions to the program and result in the elimination and reduction of long-term health care coverage to millions of recipients.
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Joint Chiefs of Staff
FOIA 2009-1055-F
This collection consists of a memorandum from Secretary of Defense Aspin to President Clinton regarding the selection of a new Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff dated from the summer of 1993. This memorandum discusses the biographies of General John Shalikashvili, who was appointed Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff by President Clinton, effective October 25, 1993, and General Joseph Hoar, a publically acknowledged finalist for the post in August of 1993.
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Kagan, Elena
FOIA 2009-1006-F
This collection consists of files from and records concerning Elena Kagan. Elena Kagan served the Clinton Administration from 1995 to 1999 in the Counsel’s Office and on the Domestic Policy Council. In 1999 President Clinton nominated Kagan to the U.S. District Court of Appeals, no hearing was ever scheduled and she was thereby never confirmed. The records include memoranda, correspondence, articles, email, reports, executive orders, bills, and directives. They consist of Kagan’s office files, email both sent and received by her, and records from other White House offices concerning her. The records cover a broad array of domestic policy issues; the records contain, but are not limited to: AIDS, budget appropriations, campaign finance reform, education, health, labor, race, tobacco, and welfare.
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Kelly, Chris
FOIA 2010-0205-F
This collection consists of a draft birthday message to Christopher “Chris” Kelly from President Clinton. Kelly served as a senior policy advisor in the Domestic Policy Council and in the Department of Education during the Clinton Administration.
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Kemble, Robert Penn (1941 – 2005)
FOIA 2006-0210-F
This collection consists of records concerning Robert Penn Kemble who served as Deputy Director and Acting Director of the United States Information Agency (USIA). The records include memos, background files, and correspondence. The correspondence is primarily between Kemble and the White House. Kemble was a pivotal part of the major civic education initiative called ‘Education for Democracy’.
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Kennedy Center Honors
FOIA 2006-0512-F
This collection contains memoranda, biographies, news articles, speech drafts, and printed electronic e-mails for remarks by the President at the Kennedy Center Honors Reception, December 3, 2000. The memoranda, biographies, and news articles contain biographical and background information on the Kennedy Center Honor recipients, which included Angela Lansbury, Chuck Berry, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Placido Domingo, and Clint Eastwood. The email contain copies of speech drafts and some biographical information.
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Kennedy Peace Memorial
FOIA 2009-0442-F
This collection consists of records related to President Clinton’s trip to Indianapolis, Indiana on May 14, 1994 for the groundbreaking of the Kennedy Peace Memorial. The records consist of speeches, schedules, thank you letters, and newspaper clippings related to the groundbreaking.
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Khatami, Mohammad
FOIA 2007-1452-F
This collection consists of messages between Iranian President Khatami and President Clinton in August 1999. These materials include an email regarding a news report about the exchanges of messages between the two leaders.
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Khobar Towers
FOIA 2006-0648-F
This collection consists of records related to the terrorist bombing of the Al-Khobar Towers housing complex in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia on June 25, 1996. These records include correspondence, memoranda, emails, press materials, and reports regarding the attack and its aftermath. The collection also contains an unclassified copy of the September 1996 Downing Commission Report to the President and Congress on the Protection of U.S. Forces Deployed Abroad.
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Knee Injury
FOIA 2006-0497-F
This collection consists of schedules, background materials, press releases and pool reports related to President Clinton’s daily activities of March 13-14, 1997. It was during this time that President Clinton injured his knee at the home of professional golfer, Greg Norman.
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FOIA 2006-0540-F
This collection contains material pertaining to President Clinton injuring his knee while staying at professional golfer Greg Norman’s home in Florida. President Clinton’s injury required surgery.
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FOIA 2006-1186-F
This collection consists of records relating to any National Security Council Deputies Committee or Principals Committee meetings on Kosovo held on June 12, June 13, or June 14, 1999. There was only one Deputies Committee meeting that discussed Kosovo on the 12th of June, 1999. There was a Principals Committee meeting on the 12th but they did not discuss the situation in Kosovo. Open records are primarily administrative paperwork and email discussing Kosovo in general terms. The nature of the discussion and the business of the meeting resulted in many records closed for national security reasons.
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FOIA 2011-0463-F AV*
This collection consists of video recordings of President Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Chelsea Clinton touring a Kosovar refugee camp near Skopje, Macedonia. The tour was at Stenkovic 1 camp. The Clintons greeted and spoke to Kosovo refugees around the camp on June 22, 1999.
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Kraemer, Sven
FOIA 2010-0173-F
This collection consists of records on Sven Kraemer, a long-time advisor to several American Presidents. The materials include records of visitors to the White House and cables on restructuring governmental organizations.
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Kusnet, David
FOIA 2006-0465-F
This collection contains the files of David Kusnet, Presidential Speechwriter and includes some papers of Liz Bowyer, Staff Assistant. The collections consists of drafts of the 1993 inaugural address, speeches on health care, economics, and other speeches from early in the Administration. The combined files of Kusnet and Bowyer are largely administrative in nature. A large portion of this collection consists of daily news reports, dated April 1, 1993 to February 17, 1994, compiled by the White House Office of News Analysis.
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Labor & Health and Human Services Bill
FOIA 2009-0940-F
This is a video recording of President Clinton addressing members of Congress, cabinet secretaries, senior staff, school officials, budget office officials, school children, and other guests in the Presidential Hall, of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Old Executive Office Building upon signing the Labor & Health and Human Services Bill on December 21, 2000. President Clinton made remarks concerning the signing of the Labor and Health and Human Services Bill. The President's remarks mentioned: the Budget Surplus, Budget Deficits, New Markets Initiatives, Clean Air, Education Reform, and Empowerment and Renewal Zones. There is a backdrop sign on the dais that reads, “More Opportunity for More Americans.”
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Labor-Management Partnerships
FOIA 2007-0141-F
This collection consists of records related to Executive Order 12871 on Labor-Management Partnerships. This Executive Order, which President Clinton signed on October 1, 1993, created the National Partnership Council. The Council was comprised of members of the major labor union and advised the President on labor-management relations within executive branch agencies. This collection consists of correspondence, White House memoranda, and email regarding matters related to Executive Order 12871.
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Landmark for Peace Memorial*
FOIA 2009-0442-F AV
This collection consists of photographs of President Clinton at the groundbreaking ceremony for the Landmark for Peace Memorial in Indianapolis, Indiana on May 14, 1994. The Landmark for Peace Memorial is a memorial sculpture at Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Park in Indianapolis that honors the contributions of the leaders Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy. The photographs consist of President Clinton with fellow guests making remarks at the event and the ground being broken by the dignitaries on the site of the proposed memorial.
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Laird, Melvin
FOIA 2006-0515-F
This collection contains records relating to correspondence between Hillary Clinton and Melvin Laird. The material relates to correspondence inviting Mrs. Clinton to attend and give the address at the 1995 Youth Leadership Day.
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Lake, Anthony
FOIA 2006-0680-F
This collection consists of materials related to the nomination and later withdrawal of Anthony Lake to be Director of Central Intelligence (DCI). In addition, records relate to the nomination of George Tenet to be the DCI after Lake withdrew his nomination. It consists of biographical and press information, correspondence, memoranda, and email related to the preparation and later confirmation of this position.
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Lewis, Meriwether
FOIA 2009-0789-F
This collection consists of material concerning correspondence between historian Stephen Ambrose and President Clinton regarding the National Park Service's decision to reject George Washington University Professor James Starr's request to exhume the body of Meriwether Lewis to determine Lewis’ cause of death. The files contain correspondence between President Clinton, Stephen Ambrose, and documentary film maker Dayton Duncan on this matter.
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Lieberman, Evelyn
FOIA 2006-0199-F
This collection consists primarily of email and records from the National Security Council concerning Evelyn Lieberman’s appointment as Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy. Prior to her arrival at the Department of State, Evelyn Lieberman served as a Senior Advisor to the Secretary of State, Director of the Voice of America and Assistant to the President/Deputy White House Chief of Staff in the Clinton Administration. Upon her appointment as Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy on October 1, 1999, Lieberman’s main task was to oversee the integration of the former United States Information Agency (USIA) into the Department of State’s Bureau of Public Affairs.
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FOIA 2006-0212-F
This collection consists of records concerning Evelyn Lieberman who served as a member of the United States Information Agency (USIA). Lieberman was the Director of Voice of America (VOA) from 1997 to 1998 and Director of the International Broadcasting Bureau (IBB) until 1999. The records include email regarding press statements and the merging of USIA and the Department of State in 1999. Also included are email about the bureaucratic relations between the National Security Council (NSC), the USIA, and the Department of State.
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Little, Cheryl Ada Elizabeth
FOIA 2006-0371-F
This collection consists of correspondence and memoranda concerning the pardon of Cheryl Ada Elizabeth Little on October 20, 2000.
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MacLaine, Shirley
FOIA 2007-0138-F (segment 2)
This collection contains correspondence from President Clinton to Shirley MacLaine, dated April 26, 1994 and April 20, 1995, wishing MacLaine a Happy Birthday. There is also a memo from the Office of Records Management, dated May 8, 1995, regarding the correct mailing address for Shirley MacLaine.
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FOIA 2007-0138-F AV*
This collection consists of 5 photographs of President Clinton meeting Shirley MacLaine and her guests at the National Medal of Arts and Humanities Dinner at the White House on December 20, 2000.
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Magaziner, Ira
FOIA 2006-0770-F
This collection consists of reports, memoranda, correspondence, news clippings, and schedules from the files of Ira Magaziner, Senior Advisor to the President for Policy Development. Magaziner assisted in implementing President Clinton’s Health Care Reform initiatives by coordinating policy development for the Task Force on National Health Care Reform. The records include draft reports produced by the working groups Magaziner formed to advise the Task Force.
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FOIA 2006-0885-F
This collection consists of Ira Magaziner’s Health Care Task Force files including: correspondence, reports, news clippings, press releases, and publications. Ira Magaziner a Senior Advisor to President Clinton for Policy Development was heavily involved in health care reform. Magaziner assisted the Task Force by coordinating health care policy development through numerous working groups. Magaziner and the First Lady were the President’s primary advisors on health care. The Health Care Task Force eventually produced the administration’s health care plan, introduced to Congress as the Health Security Act. This bill failed to pass in 1994.
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Electronic Commerce Series: From the records of the Domestic Policy Council, Ira Magaziner’s Electronic Commerce series covers policy considerations relating to Internet and electronic commerce issues. Ira Magaziner served as Senior Advisor to the President for Policy Development from 1993 to 1998. The files contain correspondence, reports, memos, and articles dealing with all aspects of internet issues, including copyright and intellectual property protection, encryption, domain names, and tariff and tax considerations on products sold via the internet. The records contain correspondence and reports from various international organizations such as the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), and the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI).
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Major, John
FOIA 2006-0215-F
This collection consists of records concerning John Major, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1990 to 1997. The records include telcons, memcons, cables, letters and memorandums. The topics covered include Radio/TV Marti, Haitian Radio Support Projects, Balkans Public Diplomacy Group, Peace in the Middle East, General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the economy, the G-7 Summit, Northern Ireland Peace Agreement, and the START treaties. There is also information regarding appointments, requests for foreign travel, and delegates for Presidential trips.
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Mandela, Nelson*
FOIA 2009-1401-F AV
This collection consists of video recording of the State Dinner held for President Nelson Mandela of South Africa on October 4, 1994.
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FOIA 2006-1878-F
This collection consists of speech drafts, press releases, news transcripts, memos, email and cables pertaining to the NASA discovery of the Allan Hills (ALH) Meteorite 84001 meteorite, mentioned by President Clinton in a statement on August 7, 1996. ALH 84001 is believed to be from Mars. The meteorite made worldwide headlines in 1996 when scientists announced that it might contain evidence for microscopic fossils of Martian bacteria.
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Mars Millennium Project
FOIA 2006-0507-F
This collection contains correspondence, drafts, and lists relating to the Mars Millennium Project and the remarks made by the First Lady at the Mars Millennium Kick-Off, January 14, 1999. Much of the correspondence is in the form of e-mails containing background information on the Mars Millennium Project, i.e., the kick-off event itself and the long term goals of the project. In addition, there are e-mails containing facts about some of the physical characteristics of the planet Mars and drafts of the remarks made by the First Lady at the kick-off event on January 14, 1999. There are also drafts of remarks by other speakers at the event. The files contain excerpts from published articles and books (fictional and factual) which also served as background information used in the preparation of the remarks made by the First Lady. Lists contain talking points, a sequence of events for the kick-off, and participating organizations in the Mars Millennium Project.
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Marshall Islands
FOIA 2006-0195-F
This collection consists of records related to Micronesia, the Republic of Palau, and the Republic of the Marshall Islands. These records discuss economic development, immigration, natural disasters and the presidential declarations and assistance resulting from these disasters, ambassadorial appointments, the Investment Development Fund Advisory Board of the Marshall Islands, and the Micronesian Investment Development Fund Advisory Board. This collection consists of cables, email, letters, memoranda, press clippings, and reports.
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Marzook, Mousa Mohammed Abu
FOIA 2008-0098-F
This collection consists of records on the release of Hamas leader Mousa Mohammed Abu Marzook from U.S. custody and his deportation to Jordan in the spring of 1997. These materials include National Security Council (NSC) press guidance on the legal case, emails regarding upcoming NSC Marzook meetings, talking points, and press briefings. The majority of this FOIA case is currently withheld under PRA and FOIA restrictions.
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McClendon, Sarah
FOIA 2006-0537-F
This collection contains correspondence between President Clinton and Sarah McClendon, a Senior White House reporter. The records include newsletters, notes, and memos between White House staff regarding drafts of letters from the President to Sarah McClendon.
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McCown, Gaynor
Systematic 2011-0255-S
This collection consists of Gaynor McCown’s Domestic Policy Council Printed Materials series of records related to education, children and family welfare, safe and drug free schools, and the budget. This collection consists of memoranda, pamphlets, reports, and books.
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Systematic 2011-0225-S
This collection consists of Gaynor McCown’s Domestic Policy Council Subject series of records related to education accomplishments, student loans, state partnerships, safe and drug free schools, budget, youth initiatives, community outreach, reinventing government, and student organizations. This collection consists of talking points, reports, publications, draft legislation, memoranda, articles, correspondence, email, schedules, meeting agendas, speech transcripts, and handwritten notes
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Melley, Brendan
FOIA 2006-1018-F
This collection consists of records concerning Brenden Melley, a member of the staff of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB) from 1998 to 2001. As part of his duties, Melley visited military sites and prepared PFIAB reports. These records include personnel documents, email correspondence, and cables regarding Melley's work for and travel on behalf of PFIAB.
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Metzel, Jamie
FOIA 2006-0214-F
This collection consists of records concerning Jamie Metezl. Metzel served as the Director of Multilateral and Humanitarian Affairs at the National Security Council (NSC) 1997 to 1998 and Senior Coordinator for International Public Information (IPI) at the Department of State from 1998 to 2000. The records include email, cables, memos, correspondence and reports. The topics covered by these records are IPI, Metzel’s time as White House Fellow, and his work on Presidential Decision Directive 68.
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FOIA 2006-0195-F
This collection consists of records related to Micronesia, the Republic of Palau, and the Republic of the Marshall Islands. These records discuss economic development, immigration, natural disasters and the presidential declarations and assistance resulting from these disasters, ambassadorial appointments, the Investment Development Fund Advisory Board of the Marshall Islands, and the Micronesian Investment Development Fund Advisory Board. This collection consists of cables, email, letters, memoranda, press clippings, and reports.
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Mike's City Diner*
FOIA 2011-0068-F AV
This collection consists of a video recording of President Clinton visiting Mike's City Diner in Boston, MA on January 18, 2000.
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Military Construction Appropriations Act of 1997
FOIA 2007-0625-F
This collection is primarily related to the Military Construction Appropriations Act of 1997. This collection contains email records related to legislative updates of the Military Construction Act of 1998. The legislative updates keep track of the latest action on a particular bill and the expected action in the next days and weeks. The emails also track legislative action following President Clinton’s use of the line item veto in October 1997. The collection also consists of Statements of Administration Policy and correspondence regarding both the 1997 and 1998 appropriations bills.
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Millennium Evening
FOIA 2006-0504-F
This collection contains transcripts, remarks, background information, talking points, and speech drafts relating to First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton’s remarks at the Fifth Millennium Evening, held at the White House on January 25, 1999. President and Mrs. Clinton created the Millennium Council in 1997 to oversee commemorative and celebratory activities in anticipation of the beginning of the 21st century. The Council entitled the January 1999 Millennium Evening “The Meaning of the Millennium.” Featuring theologian and religious historian Martin E. Marty and medieval historian Natalie Zemon Davis, the program compared contemporary religious and secular reactions to the year 2000 to similar trends during the previous millennial transition in the year 1000.
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FOIA 2006-0509-F
This collection contains transcripts, packet samples, press releases, draft comments, and e-mails relating to remarks given at the Eighth Millennium Evening, titled “Informatics Meets Genomics,” on October 12, 1999. President and Mrs. Clinton created the Millennium Council in 1997 to oversee commemorative and celebratory activities in anticipation of the beginning of the 21st century. At the October 1999 Millennium Evening, Dr. Vinton G. Cerf, a vice president at MCI WorldCom and co-founder of the Internet, spoke first about Internet technology. The second speaker, biologist Eric Lander of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, discussed his involvement with the Human Genome Project. A question-and-answer session followed the presentations, and President Clinton closed the program with brief remarks about technological progress.
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Millennium Matinee
FOIA 2006-0510-F
This collection contains e-mails, draft remarks, press releases, articles, invitations, and background information pertaining to remarks by the President and the First Lady at the Millennium Matinee event held at the White House on June 12, 2000. President and Mrs. Clinton created the Millennium Council in 1997 to oversee commemorative and celebratory activities in anticipation of the beginning of the 21st century. The 9th Millennium Evening, renamed Millennium Matinee due to its earlier time frame, was entitled “Exploration under the Seas-Beyond the Stars.” The event showcased scientific discoveries in the deep ocean and in outer space. Both the President and the First Lady gave brief remarks at the event in front of an audience of local schoolchildren, and participated in a question-and-answer session. In their remarks, President and Mrs. Clinton discussed American’s heritage of exploration, the importance of studying the oceans and outer space, as well as a recent draft report on climate change.
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Milosevic, Slobodan*
FOIA 2007-1036-F AV
This collection consists of photographs of President Clinton during the Balkan Peace Agreement meetings in Paris, France on December 14, 1995. The photographs document President Clinton, Secretary Warren Christopher, and Ambassador Richard Holbrooke meeting at a luncheon with Balkan Heads of State: President Alija Izetbegovic of Bosnia, President Franjo Tudjman of Croatia, and President Slobodan Milosevic of Serbia at the Ambassador’s Residence in Paris. Other world leaders present include, Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Prime Minister John Major, Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin, and others.
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FOIA 2006-1380-F
This collection consists of records related to President Clinton and his interactions with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, or Mormons, as well as visits by President Clinton to Salt Lake City, Utah. This collection consists of correspondence, memoranda, itineraries, schedules, and press clippings. The records describe President Clinton's interactions and communications with different leaders of the Church of Latter Day Saints and various Latter Day Saints organizations. They also deal with efforts by President Clinton and administration officials on behalf of Salt Lake City’s bid to host the 2002 Winter Olympic Games, and some of the planning that took place for the Games.
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Morris, Dick*
FOIA 2011-0425-F AV
This collection consists of photographs of advisor Dick Morris from the years 1995 and 1996. The photographs come from meetings, briefings, and receiving lines involving advisor Dick Morris, President Clinton, Vice President Al Gore, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and senior staff policy advisors.
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Morse, Eric
Systematic 2011-0619-S
This collection consists of records related to events on health care, education, women, and welfare that First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton attended from 1997-1999. The collection consists of correspondence, the First Lady's schedules, fact sheets, press releases, articles, memoranda, reports, publications, emails, conference and meeting agendas and attendee lists, speech drafts, and speech transcripts.
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Moynihan, Mark Francis
FOIA 2006-1017-F
This collection consists of cables, memoranda, forms, and email concerning Mark Francis Moynihan. Moynihan served on the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB) from 1997-1999. A sizable portion of this FOIA is composed of the personnel files of Mark Moynihan. Nearly all of these records were closed for reasons of personal privacy.
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Muscatine, Lissa
Systematic 2011-0415-S
This collection consists of the files of Lissa Muscatine from First Lady Hillary Clinton’s Press Office. The records cover topics such as health care, women’s rights, the Millennium Council, Hillary Clinton’s 2000 Senate campaign. The records include press interviews given by the First Lady, records concerning her domestic and foreign travel, speeches and remarks, and press releases.
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Myles, Raymond
FOIA 2008-0927-F
This collection consists of a single thank you letter to Raymond Myles from President Clinton. The letter thanks Myles for performing at President Clinton’s 50th birthday party. Myles was a New Orleans-based gospel singer.
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National Medal of Arts and Humanities Ceremony*
FOIA 2009-1254-F AV
This collection consists of video recordings from the September 29, 1999 National Medal of Arts and Humanities Ceremony at Constitution Hall. President Clinton and Mrs. Clinton both delivered remarks. Recipients included: Irene Diamond, Aretha Franklin, Michael Graves, Dr. Jose Polisi, Norman Lear, Rosetta Lenoire, Harvey Lichtenstein, Lydia Mendoza, Odetta, George Segal, Maria Tallchief, Patricia Battin, Taylor Branch, Jacquelyn Dowd Hall, Garrison Keillor, Jim Lehrer, John Rawls, Steven Spielberg, and August Wilson.
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National Polar-Orbiting Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS)
FOIA 2008-0829-F
This collection consists of records related to the National Polar-Orbiting Environment Satellite System or NPOESS. NPOESS was a tri-agency program between the Department of Commerce (specifically the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, NOAA), the Department of Defense (DOD, specifically the Air Force), and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) designed to merge civil and defense weather satellite programs in order to reduce costs and to provide defense weather and climate coverage with improved capabilities. The collection contains correspondence, reports, manuals, briefs, and memos related to the program.
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National Security Council
FOIA 2006-1131-F
This collection consists of records on National Security Council (NSC) meetings regarding Al-Qaeda, Afghanistan, or the Taliban, from August 1998 to January 2001. These interagency meetings were in the form of either Principals Committee (PC), Deputies Committee (DC), or Counterterrorism Security (CSG) meetings. These materials consist of emails and memoranda notifying various NSC staffers of upcoming PC, DC, and CSG meetings. The majority of this FOIA case is currently withheld under PRA and FOIA restrictions.
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Native Americans
FOIA 2006-0197-F (segment 1)
This collection consists of records concerning Native American Policy during the Clinton Administration. Segment 1 contains records from White House staff and office files and the National Security Council. The files contain handwritten notes, memos, articles, correspondence, and printed materials.
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FOIA 2006-0197-F (segment 2)
This collection consists of records concerning Native American Policy during the Clinton Administration. Segment 2 contains email from the Automated Records Management System (ARMS) Email. ARMS Email for this FOIA collection contain the phrases “Bureau of Indian Affairs” or “Federal Indian Policy” in the “Subject” line. The records include email created and received by Mickey Ibarra and Lynn G. Cutler with specific reference to Indians/Native Americans. The collection includes almost every topic of domestic policy as it relates to Native American people, including crime, teen suicide, gaming, the Census, housing, education, welfare reform, and health care. The collection also consists of records concerning the President’s Initiative on Race and the New Markets Tour. Also included are policy discussions concerning topics specific to Native American interests such as reservation boundaries, reservation tourism, tribal colleges, and sacred sites (the Kennewick Man).
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FOIA 2006-0197-F (segment 3)
This collection consists of records concerning Native American Policy during the Clinton Administration. Segment 3 contains records primarily from the IN (Indian Affairs) Subject File. This collection also includes White House Staff and Office Files. Records from this collection represent many topics of domestic policy as it relates to Native American people, including clemency for Leonard Peltier, Indian gaming, and tribal recognition. The files contain handwritten notes, memos, articles, correspondence, and printed materials.
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Natural Disasters
FOIA 2010-0909-F
This collection consists of material pertaining to the speech given by President Clinton on May 8, 1999 in Del City, Oklahoma following a devastating tornado outbreak. In this speech, President Clinton offers support for the National Weather Service building. The files consist of correspondence, talking points and contains final speech drafts.
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Naval Weapons Industrial Reserve Plant
FOIA 2007-0029-F
This collection consists of records related to the Naval Weapons Industrial Reserve Plant (NWIRP) and the National Defense Authorization Act of 1995. NWIRP- Calverton was operated by Northrop Grumman Corporation until February 1996. This collection consists of correspondence, statements, memoranda, and email.
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New Square*
FOIA 2006-0166-F AV
This collection contains photographs that document the meeting and photo opportunities between the Grand Rabbi, the President, and the First Lady. There are also photos of the Grand Rabbi’s associates with President Clinton, and the Grand Rabbi presenting President Clinton with a ceremonial Menorah.
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Nixon, Richard M.*
FOIA 2007-0623-F AV
This collection consists of photographs of the First Family meeting Former President Richard Nixon in the White House residence on Mar 8, 1993. Included are photographs of Former Presidents Bush, Carter, and Ford with President Clinton at a “NAFTA Kickoff” and NAFTA signing ceremony on September 14, 1993, and a NAFTA event on November 2, 1993. Also included are photographs of the Clintons with Former Presidents at the funeral of President Nixon on April 27, 1994; President Clinton and Hillary Rodham at dedication of the George Bush Presidential Library in College Station, TX on November 6, 1997; and the Clintons at the 200th Anniversary Bicentennial White House Dinner.
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North Amercian Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
FOIA 2006-0511-F
This collection contains e-mails, draft remarks, background materials, and memoranda pertaining to the President’s remarks in support of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) at the Distinguished American Endorsement Event on November 2, 1993. During this event, well-respected individuals, including former President Jimmy Carter, publicly endorsed NAFTA. President Clinton followed these endorsements with his own argument in favor of the agreement. President Clinton outlined the economic and foreign policy benefits of the treaty and asked Americans to inform Congress of their support. Congress passed the necessary legislation later that month.
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North Korea*
FOIA 2006-0310-F AV
This collection consists of photographs on May 19, 1994 of a Commander in Chief’s meeting regarding North Korea. President Clinton met with Secretary of Defense William Perry and senior military commanders to discuss national security and military related issues associated with events in Korea in the Cabinet Room. There are also photographs from a meeting with President Clinton and a foreign policy group regarding North Korea in the Roosevelt Room. Additionally, there are photographs from a foreign policy group meeting on June 16, 1994 regarding North Korea in the Cabinet Room, and President Clinton delivering a press statement regarding North Korea.
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Northern Mariana Islands
FOIA 2006-0167-F
This collection consists of correspondence between President Clinton and Congress and memoranda to and from President Clinton on labor standards and minimum wage laws in the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). The files contain correspondence, memoranda, email, and press reports.
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Oath of Office
FOIA 2009-1311-F
This collections contains President Clinton’s Oath of Office which he took on January 21, 1993.
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Oklahoma City Bombing*
FOIA 2006-0326-F
This collection consists of correspondence between President Clinton and family members of the bomb victims, proclamations, a FEMA briefing book, memoranda, speeches, and schedules. Records of note include background material pertaining to militias and extremists, an outline of Presidential actions against crime and terrorism, and a survey attempting to define the perception Americans have of government security measures.
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FOIA 2011-0436-F AV
This collection consists of video recordings of President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton greeting officials and being briefed by local law enforcement, emergency rescue personnel, and firemen at the State Fairgrounds Arena holding area in Oklahoma City, OK on April 23, 1995. The video recording also contains footage of the Clintons greeting and speaking to families of United States Secret Service officers who perished during the bombing.
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Olympic Park Bombing
FOIA 2006-0327-F
This collection consists of materials related to the Centennial Olympic Park bombing that occurred on July 27, 1996 in Atlanta, Georgia. It includes correspondence, memoranda, reports, speech drafts, and email related to reactions and the aftermath of the bombing.
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OPSAIL 2000*
FOIA 2009-1262-F AV
This collection consists of photographs of President Clinton and Charlie Robertson, Chairman of OPSAIL 2000, at OPSAIL 2000 on July 4, 2000 in New York Harbor. OPSAIL is a non-profit devoted to sail training and fostering goodwill between nations. The photographs consist of President Clinton addressing the event aboard the U.S.S. John F. Kennedy accompanied by first family members.
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Orzulak, Paul
FOIA 2008-0702-F
This collection consists of the speechwriting records of Paul Orzulak, a speechwriter for President William J. Clinton and National Security Advisor Samuel R. Berger in 1999 and 2000. This collection contains clippings, correspondence, email, faxes, memos, notes, printed materials, and speeches.
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Oval Office*
FOIA 2007-0686-F AV
This collection consists of photographs of President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton meeting with Kaki Hockersmith regarding the redesign of the Oval Office in 1993. The photos include President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton joining interior decorator Kaki Hockersmith and others in the newly redecorated Oval Office on August 30, 1993, and photographs of Hillary Rodham Clinton attending a Historic Preservation lunch in the Blue Room for the Committee for the Preservation of the White House on November 8, 1993.
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FOIA 2006-0195-F
This collection consists of records related to Micronesia, the Republic of Palau, and the Republic of the Marshall Islands. These records discuss economic development, immigration, natural disasters and the presidential declarations and assistance resulting from these disasters, ambassadorial appointments, the Investment Development Fund Advisory Board of the Marshall Islands, and the Micronesian Investment Development Fund Advisory Board. This collection consists of cables, email, letters, memoranda, press clippings, and reports.
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Palestinian Liberation Organization
FOIA 2009-0258-F
This collection consists of records concerning requests for the prison release or deportation of Khalid Al-Jawary, also known as Khaled El-Jassem. Al-Jawary, a member of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), was arrested in Italy in 1991 and then extradited to the United States. He was sentenced to 30 years imprisonment for three failed bombing attempts in New York City in 1973. The records consist mainly of letters, news articles, and court transcripts. Letters include correspondence from Al-Jawary to the National Security Advisor and Department of Justice Officials. There are also letters from Palestinian officials requesting Al-Jawary’s release or deportation. News articles and excerpts covering Al-Jawary’s trial were enclosures to Al-Jawary’s letters which were intended to support his argument for release from prison.
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FOIA 2006-0371-F
This collection consists of correspondence and memoranda concerning the pardon of Cheryl Ada Elizabeth Little on October 20, 2000.
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FOIA 2006-0222-F
This collection consists of records regarding presidential pardons and executive clemency from September 2000 through January of 2001 and President Clinton’s pardon of Marc Rich. The records included are correspondence, memoranda, petitions for pardon, notes, reports and faxes. A majority of records in this collection is from the Counsel’s Office, and includes correspondence concerning why certain individuals merit presidential pardons or executive clemency.
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Pat’s King of Steaks*
FOIA 2011-0068-F AV
This collection consists of video recording President Clinton visiting Pat's King of Steaks restaurant in Philadelphia, PA on September 25, 1996 with Philadelphia Mayor Ed Rendell and other local officials.
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People to People International
FOIA 2009-1459-F
This collection consists of correspondence, draft correspondence, copies of Presidential Public Papers, scheduling request forms, and news articles regarding People to People International’s request for President Clinton to be Honorary Chairman.
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Plimpton, George*
FOIA 2008-1502-F AV
This collection consists of photos of President Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Chelsea Clinton attending the Women's Gymnastics Artistic final on July 25, 1996 during the 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta, GA. The photos show President Clinton seated and conversing with writer George Plimpton at the Olympic Games. Plimpton later interviewed President Clinton on Air Force One on the way back from the Olympic Games for a piece in Sports Illustrated.
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Pote, Harold W.
FOIA 2006-1002-F
This collection consists of records relating to Harold W. Pote and his service on the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. Clinton Presidential Records relating to Harold W. Pote consist largely of personnel files relating to Pote’s appointment as a member of the PFIAB. Pote was re-appointed to the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board by President William Jefferson Clinton on September 30, 1993 and served throughout the Administration.
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Pouland, John C.
FOIA 2006-0454-F
This collection consists of memoranda, correspondence, notes, articles, and email regarding John C. Pouland. Pouland served as Regional Administrator of Region 7, General Services Administration from 1995 to 1996. He was reappointed in 1997 and served in that capacity until 2001.
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Prayer Breakfast*
FOIA 2008-0846-F AV
This collection consists of photographs of President Clinton addressing the prayer breakfast on September 11, 1998, for various religious leaders on the State Floor in the East Room. Dr. Gerald Mann gave the blessing and Rev. Dr. James Forbes gave the benediction at the breakfast. President Clinton prayed with some of the leaders in the East Room.
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Press Briefings
This collection consists of original copies of White House Press Briefings, arranged chronologically. This series includes press briefings issued by the White House from January 1993 through January 2001.
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Press Releases
This collection consists of original copies of White House Press Releases, arranged chronologically. This series includes every press release issued by the White House from January 1993 through January 2001.
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Press Release Subject File
This collection consists of White House Press Releases arranged alphabetically by subject. This series includes press releases issued by the White House from January 1993 through January 2001.
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President Clinton’s Birthday*
FOIA 2006-0372-F AV
This collection consists of photographs and a video of the “Greasy Greens” from President Clinton’s surprise birthday party on the South Lawn of the White House on August 19, 1999.
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President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB)
FOIA 2006-0999-F
This collection consists of records relating to Les Aspin and his work as Chairman of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. Records relating to Les Aspin and his service on the PFIAB consist of email, memorandum, and administrative paperwork. The records relate to Aspin’s nomination on the PFIAB and to his service on the PFIAB. Many email consist of press guidance on various foreign policy positions. A number of these records relate to Aspin’s participation in a review of the roles and responsibilties of the intelligence community.
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FOIA 2006-1005-F
This collection consists of records relating to John Shelby Bryan and his service as member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. This collection consist of memos, letters, fax cover sheets, court records, resumes, press relases, and news articles relating to Bryan’s appointment and service on PFIAB. It also includes e-mails that are primarily administrative in nature, relating to Bryan’s appointment to PFIAB.
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FOIA 2006-1019-F
This collection consists of materials related to Frank Fountain, a member of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB). It includes letters, email, and cables. Some of the records within this FOIA came from personnel files, which result in many closures related to personal privacy.
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FOIA 2006-0997-F
This collection consists of records relating to Admiral Bobby Ray Inman and his work as a member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. Inman was a well respected and long-term member of the United States intelligence community by the beginning of the Clinton Administration. He had served on the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board under President George H. W. Bush. He was selected by President William J. Clinton on December 16, 1993 to succeed Les Aspin as Secretary of Defense. His term on the PFIAB was not renewed.
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FOIA 2006-1018-F
This collection consists of records concerning Brenden Melley, a member of the staff of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB) from 1998 to 2001. As part of his duties, Melley visited military sites and prepared PFIAB reports. These records include personnel documents, email correspondence, and cables regarding Melley's work for and travel on behalf of PFIAB.
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FOIA 2006-1017-F
This collection consists of cables, memoranda, forms, and email concerning Mark Francis Moynihan. Moynihan served on the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB) from 1997-1999. A sizable portion of this FOIA is composed of the personnel files of Mark Moynihan. Nearly all of these records were closed for reasons of personal privacy.
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FOIA 2006-1002-F
This collection consists of records relating to Harold W. Pote and his service on the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. Clinton Presidential Records relating to Harold W. Pote consist largely of personnel files relating to Pote’s appointment as a member of the PFIAB. Pote was re-appointed to the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board by President William Jefferson Clinton on September 30, 1993 and served throughout the Administration.
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FOIA 2006-1006-F
This collection consists of materials relating to Lois Rice, a member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB). It includes memoranda, resumes, correspondence, email, and press releases. The majority of the records produced for this FOIA were from personnel files, which result in many closures related to personal privacy.
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FOIA 2006-1000-F
This collection contains records relating to Senator Warren B. Rudman and his service as a member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. Rudman was appointed by President William Jefferson Clinton to the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB) on September 30, 1993 and served until 2001. These records consist of email, memorandum, and administrative paperwork. The records relate to Aspin’s nomination on the PFIAB and to his service on the PFIAB.
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FOIA 2006-1013-F
This collection consists of materials relating to Stanley Shuman, a member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB). It includes memoranda, resumes, correspondence, email, forms, and press releases. A considerable amount of this collection is from the personnel files of Shuman, nearly all of which are closed for personal privacy.
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FOIA 2006-1011-F
This collection consists of records relating to Maurice Sonnenberg and his service as member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. Records include administrative paperwork relating to Sonnenberg's service. Sonnenberg was the Former Chairman of the Democratic House and Senate Council, the Executive Vice Chairman of the Foreign Policy Association, and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He served as an advisor to five White House administrations advising on topics of intelligence, foreign policy, international trade, and finance.
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President's Interagency Council on Women
FOIA 2006-0198-F (segment 3)
This collection consists of materials related to The President's Interagency Council on Women that was created in August 1995 following the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China. The Council's agenda was to move the United States toward equality for women by the year 2000. It includes reports, memoranda, correspondence, brochures, and news articles. Segments 1 and 2 are available here.
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Presidential Decision Directive (PDD) 68
FOIA 2006-0207-F
This collection consists of records related to Records on Presidential Decision Directive 68 (PDD68) concerning International Public Information (IPI). The collection consists primarily of the records of the National Security Council. The files contain memos, summaries of meetings, drafts of PDD68, notes, and reports. Related subjects include Jamie Metzl, Richard Clarke, and Sandy Berger.
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Presidential Diary
FOIA 2007-0780-F
This collections contains the entries from the Presidential Diary for one day, December 22, 2000 regarding the visit of Rabbi David Twersky. The diarist was Ellen McCathran. The records consist of schedules, press releases, the President’s weekly radio address and other background material.
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FOIA 2010-0083-F
This collection consists of sample dates, from January 1993 to December 2000 from the Presidential Daily Diary. Presidential Diarist, Ellen McCathran, recorded the activities of President Clinton including meetings, phone calls, social events, trips, etc. Details of these events include date, time, and names of individuals involved with the events.
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Presidential Gifts
FOIA 2008-0361-F
This collection consists of information concerning all gifts given to President Clinton between August 19-26, 1996. These dates coincided with a trip that the President took to Wyoming. During these eight days the Gift Office recorded 124 gifts for the President. On the 20th of August the President received no gifts.
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Presidential Medal of Freedom

Charren, Peggy*
FOIA 2009-0530-F AV
This request consists of photographs of President Clinton and Hilary Rodham Clinton presenting a Presidential Medal of Freedom to Peggy Charren on September 29, 1995. Charren founded Action for Children’s Television (ACT) in 1968 in an effort to improve the quality of children’s television programming.
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Farmer, James L. Jr.
FOIA 2008-0695-F
This collection consists of records from when James L. Farmer, Jr. received the Presidential Medal of Freedom on January 15, 1998. The files contain congressional correspondence and correspondence written by the general public recommending that President William J. Clinton award Dr. James L. Farmer, Jr. the Presidential Medal of Freedom. The files also contain lists of Presidential Medal of Freedom award ceremony invitees and the citations read for each recipient during the ceremony.
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Presidential Scheduling
FOIA 2006-0314-F
This collection consists of presidential schedules for October 3- 4, 1993 and November 15-17, 1995. The records consist of correspondence, memoranda, reports, newspaper articles, and four presidential schedules. The topics covered include the government furlough, health care, the budget, and children with learning disabilities.
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Presidential Trips
FOIA 2007-1011-F
This collection consists of records relating to all foreign and domestic trips made by President Clinton. The records contain a list of all foreign and domestic trips made by the President and a few schedules from Janaury 2001.
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Prince, Jonathan
FOIA 2006-0466-F
Jonathan Prince served in various capacities during the two terms of the Administration. He was one of President Clinton’s speechwriters, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, and directed the public relations effort related to the fallout from the bombing of refugees by NATO forces during the war in Kosovo. This collection consists of speech drafts, handwritten notes, memoranda, correspondence, publications, and schedules. Prince wrote most of President Clinton’s radio addresses from 1993-1997. He also specialized in dealing with domestic issues such as crime, gun control, unemployment, urban development, and welfare.
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Princess Margaret of England
FOIA 2006-1268-F AV*
This collection consists of photographs taken April 4, 1996 of President Clinton, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Chelsea Clinton meeting with Her Royal Highness Princess Margaret of England at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. The Clintons and Princess Margaret met the Royal Ballet performers along with other staff and guests at the Kennedy Center.
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FOIA 2006-1268-F
This collection consists of schedules, press releases, manifests, pool reports, and background materials concerning President Clinton’s official and semi-official meetings with Her Royal Highness (HRH) Princess Margaret of England. On April 6, 1994 President Clinton, along with Hillary and Chelsea Clinton, met Princess Margaret and attended a performance of the (British) Royal Ballet’s “Sleeping Beauty” at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C.
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Proposition 209
FOIA 2008-0309-F
This collection consists of records related to Proposition 209, a California ballet proposition passed on November 5, 1996, which amended the California consitution to prohibit “preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting.” This collection consists of memoranda, legal briefs, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and articles.
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Public Opinion Polling
FOIA 2007-1468-F
This collection consists of records related to public opinion polling and public opinion mail and email concerning issues of health care; the Brady Bill; gun control; welfare; the Welfare to Work social program; gay marriage; Bosnia; and Haiti. This collection consists of email, memoranda, correspondence, and tally sheets. These records include statistical information compiled by the White House, particularly during the first years of the Clinton Administration, 1993-1995, on how much mail and email it was receiving, and on what topics, and the trendline of public opinion on those topics. The records also include email created by White House staff concerning public opinion polling, and describe the thoughts of the general public on the aforementioned topics.
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