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747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA)

NASA used two modified Boeing 747 jetliners, originally manufactured for commercial use, as Space Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA). One was a 747-100 model, while the other was designated a 747-100SR (short range). The two aircraft were identical in appearance and in their performance as Shuttle Carrier Aircraft.

The SCAs were used to ferry space shuttle orbiters from landing sites back to the launch complex at the Kennedy Space Center, and also to and from other locations too distant for the orbiters to be delivered by ground transportation. The orbiters were placed atop the SCAs by Mate-Demate Devices, large gantry-like structures which hoist the orbiters off the ground for post-flight servicing, and then mate them with the SCAs for ferry flights.

DFRC Movie # Date Movie Description
EM-0064-10 November 21, 2012 NASA's Original Shuttle Carrier Aircraft Departs Dryden
EM-0064-08 September 21, 2012 Shuttle Endeavour Flyover of Los Angeles Landmarks
EM-0064-09 September 20, 2012 SCA-Endeavour Final Ferry Arrival at EAFB and Dryden
EM-0064-07 April 10, 2012 NASA SCA 905 Heads to KSC for Discovery's Final Ferry Flight
EM-0064-06 Feb. 15, 2012 NASA's Shuttle Carrier Aircraft 911's Final Flight
EM-0064-05 August 2011 NASA's two modified Boeing 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft briefly flew in formation for the first time ever. (Narrated)
EM-0064-04 August 2011 NASA's two modified Boeing 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft briefly flew in formation for the first time ever. (Un-narrated)
EM-0064-03 April 1994 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA) approaching Space Shuttle Endeavour suspended in the Mate-Demate Device (MDD)
EM-0064-02 April 1994 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA) mating with Space Shuttle Endeavour in the Mate-Demate Device (MDD)
EM-0064-01 circa 1992 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA) ferry flights

Last Modified: November 23, 2012
Responsible NASA Official: Alan Brown
Curator: PAO Webmasters

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