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Ways Greg Can Help



May 25, 2010 - WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Rep. Greg Walden (R-Ore.) issued the following statement on the launch of AmericaSpeakingOut.com, an online effort by House Republicans to engage the American people in the process of building a new policy agenda for America. Through America Speaking Out, the American people will be given a voice in setting the priorities for a national agenda.

"As a small business owner with my wife for nearly 22 years, I know just how difficult it is right now for Americans making the tough decisions to balance their business and family budgets. I also know how frustrated folks are when they look at Washington and see a government unwilling to make the same tough choices,” Rep. Greg Walden said.

“There’s a serious disconnect between what the American people need and want, and what Washington is delivering. The American people have been perfectly clear. They want their government to stop the wasteful spending and borrowing, and instead let the private sector do what it does best: create jobs. Yet all they see is a spending binge with no end in sight that is setting our country on the path to Greece,” Rep. Greg Walden said.

“The old ways don’t work anymore. The time has come for a new way of operating in the nation’s capital, where the American people are listened to and help write the agenda in Congress. The center of the effort is a new online forum, AmericaSpeakingOut.com, where you can lend your voice to the building of the new agenda. At this brand new forum, you can submit your policy solutions, debate the ideas posted by others, and get involved in the conversation with Americans from all over the country,” Rep. Greg Walden said.

“I’ve always believed the best ideas come from the people,” Rep. Greg Walden said. “Hopefully, AmericaSpeakingOut.com will be the home to a vibrant and productive online conversation between Americans and those elected to represent them.”

Representative Greg Walden is the House Republican Leadership Chairman and represents Oregon’s Second Congressional District, which is comprised of 20 counties in eastern, southern, and central Oregon.