Behavioral Health Archive

  • Share   The period of transition from military to civilian life is a critical one for most Service members. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), supported by the Department of Defense (DoD) are working together to end homelessness. In part,...

    DoD Supports Efforts to Reduce Homelessness

    Share   The period of transition from military to civilian life is a critical one for most Service members. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), supported by the Department of Defense (DoD) are working together to end homelessness. In part,...

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  • Share Although quitting tobacco may be at the bottom of the list of priorities for wounded, ill and injured Service members and their families and caregivers, they should speak with their physicians about how quitting can help in recovery and...

    Quitting tobacco, contributing to health of wounded warriors and families

    Share Although quitting tobacco may be at the bottom of the list of priorities for wounded, ill and injured Service members and their families and caregivers, they should speak with their physicians about how quitting can help in recovery and...

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  • Share A serious wound, illness or injury can change the life of a Service member almost instantly, and the lives of their family members change in the blink of an eye as well. Spouses, children and other family members often...

    Childhood obesity treatable, preventable

    Share A serious wound, illness or injury can change the life of a Service member almost instantly, and the lives of their family members change in the blink of an eye as well. Spouses, children and other family members often...

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