Argonne National Laboratory Center for Nanoscale Materials U.S. Department of Energy


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2013 Joint APS/CNM/EMC Users Meeting
May 6-9, 2013

The third annual combined APS/CNM/EMC Users Meeting will be held May 6-9, 2013, at Argonne National Laboratory. Over 500 people register for these cross-cutting meetings, which include 40-50 vendor exhibits, workshops, poster sessions, and short courses. Thematic and facility-specific workshops and plenary science sessions also will be offered, which will highlight, promote, and stimulate user science from these three user facilities. One need not be a current user to atten; potential future users also are welcome to register for these meetings.

CNM Journal Club: Biweekly meetings are held on Wednesday afternoons at 4:00 p.m., alternating with the CNM colloquium series. The Club provides an informal setting to share and discuss recent (or not so recent) papers that may be of general interest to others. If you are interested in suggesting a paper for the future journal club meetings, contact Yu-Chih Tseng.

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The Center for Nanoscale Materials is an Office of Science User Facility operated for
the U.S.Department of Energy Office of Science by Argonne National Laboratory