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Nouakchott (NUK)
288, rue 42-100
(rue Abdallaye)
Nouakchott, Mauritania

NIV Appointment System - Instructions  

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Veuillez sélectionner une langue de votre choix à partir de la liste.
Pour voir la traduction, veuillez poser le curseur sur les instructions en Anglais.

اٿرجاء اختٿار اٿٿغة اٿتٿ تختارٿا ٿٿ اٿٿائحة
ٿرأٿ اٿترجٿة ؿ ٿرجٿ ٿضع فأر اٿٿٿبٿٿتر فٿٿ اٿتعٿٿٿات اٿإٿجٿٿزٿة

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What you need:
  • Your Internet browser must support 128-bit encryption.
  • If you are using Internet Explorer (Windows), the minimum version that will work with this site is version 5.0, with service pack 2.
  • If you are using Netscape, the minimum version that will work with this site is version 6.2.
  • The barcode number from your printed DS-160 electronic visa application form, if applicable.
  • A printer to print your appointment confirmation.
How to use the NIV Appointment System:
  1. Complete and print a DS-160 electronic visa application form.
  2. Click on the "Schedule Appointment" button below to select an available date and time for an appointment.
  3. Enter the 10-digit barcode number from the last page of your printed electronic visa application form into the Barcode Number field, and then click "Submit".
  4. Select an available appointment date from the calendar.
  5. Select a preferred time for your appointment, and then enter your Surname, Given Name, Telephone Number, Email Address, and Identification Code.
  6. Verify that all the information entered is correct, and then click "Submit".
  7. Print the appointment confirmation page and bring it with you to your appointment.
Note: If you need to cancel or change an appointment at any time, return to this web site and click on the "Change/Cancel Appointment" button.

To complete and print a DS-160 electronic visa application form, please click here.
To schedule an appointment, please click here.
To change or cancel an existing appointment, please click here.