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Querying Grant Proposals

Note: All fields for the query information on this page are optional. Use any desired combination of the fields to perform the account query.

  1. Select Status | Search Proposals to open the Search Proposals page (STA4010).
  2. Enter the desired query information, noting the following:
    • Budget Start Date Between. Used to find proposals with a budget start date equal to or later than the first date and a budget end date equal to or prior to the specified date.
    • Grant Number. The unique identification number for the grant. See Understanding Grant Numbers for more information.
    • Accession Number. This number identifies submitted applications prior to the assignment of an official NIH grant number.
    • Grant Status. Indicates the current status of the proposal. Possible values are Awarded, Pending, Withdrawn, Terminated, Not Funded, Returned, and All.
    • Page Size. Indicates the number of records returned per page. The default value is set at 100 records.

  3. Click Submit to enter the query and open the Proposal Search Results page (STA4009).

See Also


Understanding Grant Numbers

Viewing Proposal Search Results


Viewing Grant Status Information and Summary Statements

Understanding Other Relevant Documents

Querying Type 5 Progress Reports

Viewing Type 5 Progress Report Status

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