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Telework Resources

Discover telework at NIH and discover creative productivity.

NIH Policy Materials

NIH Telework and Remote Access Policy

Please check to see if an NIH Institute/Center (IC) has their own telework policies and resources.

NIH Institute/Center Telework Websites

* Note: Some sites are only available to IC staff.

NIH Telework Toolkits for Supervisors and Employees

The NIH toolkits are available to help supervisors and employees implement and maintain effective telework arrangements.

Supervisor Toolkit

Employee Toolkit

NIH Telework Coordinators

NIH Virtual Management Tools

A virtual team requires supervisors to use new ways of managing employees to build a team atmosphere through information technology. The Center for Information Technology (CIT) has the tools to help establish effective working relationships in the absence of frequent face to face communication.

HHS Telework Resources

OPM Telework Tools

These tools help understand the basic components of telework and provide tips to implement effective telework arrangements.

This page was last reviewed on February 15, 2013