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Fact Sheet 2007–3035

U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Resources Program—Science Supporting Mineral Resource Stewardship

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Fact Sheet 2007-3035
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The United States is the world’s largest user of mineral resources. We use them to build our homes and cities, fertilize our food crops, and create wealth that allows us to buy goods and services. The USGS Mineral Resources Program (MRP) is the sole Federal source of scientific information and unbiased research on nonfuel mineral potential, production, and consumption, as well as on the environmental effects of minerals. The MRP also provides baseline geochemical, geophysical, and mineral-deposit data used to understand environmental issues related to extraction and use of mineral resources. Understanding how minerals, water, plants, and organisms interact contributes to our understanding of the environment, which is essential for understanding human and ecosystem health. To support creation of economic and national security policies in a global context, MRP collects and analyzes data on essential mineral commodities from around the world.

Version 1.0

Posted June 2007

Suggested citation:

Kropschot, S.J., 2007, U.S. Geological Survey Mineral Resources Program—Science Supporting Mineral Resource Stewardship: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2007-3035, 4 p.

For more information, contact:
Mineral Resources Program Coordinator
U.S. Geological Survey
MS 913 National Center
Reston, VA 20192

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