University of Southern California

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CPD Conversations in Public Diplomacy
12:00 PM, January 24, 2013 Venue: USC; SOS B40


NEW: Fall Issue of PDiN Monitor

The Fall issue of PDiN Monitor focuses on Women in Public Diplomacy with feature articles by Michele Bachelet, Director of UN Women, and Melanne Verveer, Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues. These articles address two recent initiatives that have brought women's rights to the forefront of international policies and diplomacy. Read more...


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Living Rhythms MIMA Africa Tour 2012 Envoy Report Avaliable

The U.S. Department of State provided funding for a 6-week MIMA Africa Tour featuring the drumming icon Leon Mobley and MIMA founder and filmmaker Christoph A. Geiseler. The USC Center on Public Diplomacy was a partner on the initiative and provided media support. This comprehensive report provides details on the social media component of this cultural diplomacy initiative.


WATCH: Public Diplomacy in the Next Four Years

The Elliot School of International Affairs at George Washington University hosted a panel titled Public Diplomacy in the Next Four Years: A Post-Election Look at American Strategies and Priorities for Engaging with the World.The Panel featured Ambassador James Glassman, Former Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Judith McHale, Former Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, Paul Foldi, Senior Professional Staff Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and P.J. Crowley, Former Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs. The panel discussed the reelection of President Obama and what it means for United States Public Diplomacy.


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