North American Transportation Highlights

North American Transportation Highlights

North American Transportation Highlights

December 1999

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The Transportation System  
Table 1 - Country Overview Data: 1996  
Figure 1 - Share of North American Population: 1996  
Table 2 - Physical System Extent: 1996  
Table 3 - Road Motor Vehicles: 1996  
Figure 3 - Total Road Motor Vehicles per 1,000 Residents: 1996  
Table 4 - Road Vehicle-Miles/Vehicle-Kilometers: 1996  
Table 5 - Domestic Passenger Travel by Mode: 1996  
Table 6 - Domestic Freight Activity by Mode: 1996  
Figure 6a - Modal Share, Excluding Pipeline, of Total Domestic Ton-Kilometers: 1996  
Figure 6b - Modal Share, Including Pipeline, of Total Domestic Ton-Kilometers: 1996  
North American Trade and Travel  
Table 7 - Canadian Merchandise Trade with Mexico and the United States by Mode of Transportation: 1996  
Table 8 - Mexican Merchandise Trade with Canada and the United States by Mode of Transportation: 1996  
Table 9 - U.S. Merchandise Trade with Canada and Mexico by Mode of Transportation: 1996  
Table 10 - Canada-Mexico and Mexico-Canada Travel by Mode of Transportation: 1996  
Table 11 - Canada-U.S. and U.S.-Canada Travel by Mode of Transportation: 1996  
Table 12 - Mexico-U.S. and U.S.-Mexico Travel by Mode of Transportation: 1996  
Table 13 - Border Crossings, U.S.-Canada: 1996  
Table 14 - Border Crossings, U.S.-Mexico: 1996  
Transportation Safety  
Table 15 - Transportation Fatalities by Mode: 1996  
Table 16 - Motor Vehicle Fatalities and Fatality Rates: 1996  
Figure 16 - Road Fatality Rates per 10,000 Motor Vehicles: 1996  
Transportation and Energy  
Table 17 - Energy Consumption by All Sectors and by the Transportation Sector: 1996  
Figure 17 - Transportations Share of Total Energy Consumption by Country: 1996  
Table 18 - Average Price of Fossil Fuel to End-Users: 1996  
Metric to U.S. Conversions and Energy Equivalents