Executive Order 13382 Designations on Iran

Fact Sheet
Office of the Spokesperson
Washington, DC
November 21, 2011


Today, the United States is taking a series of actions to increase pressure on Iran to comply with its full range of international nuclear obligations and to engage in constructive negotiations on the future of its nuclear program. In his report to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Board of Governors, which was released to the public last week, the IAEA Director General concluded that Iran has carried out activities relevant to the development of a nuclear explosive device, some of which have continued past 2003. Iran uses a wide network of procurement agents to procure items, equipment, and technology in support of this illicit nuclear program. The actions below target several of these entities involved in Iran’s illicit nuclear programs.

As a result of today’s actions, U.S. persons are prohibited from engaging in any transactions with today’s designees and any assets they may hold under U.S. jurisdiction are frozen.

Department of State Designation of Entities under E.O. 13382:

The new State Department designees are entities that play an important role in Iran’s nuclear procurement network. They support a variety of Iran’s proscribed nuclear procurement-related activities, including centrifuge development, heavy water research reactor activities, and the uranium enrichment program.

The Nuclear Reactors Fuel Company

The Nuclear Reactors Fuel Company (SUREH) was created in 2009 to oversee Iran’s fuel manufacturing facilities and organizations. SUREH is responsible for production of fuel for Iran’s nuclear reactors – including the 40-megawatt heavy water research reactor (the IR-40) – and has sought commodities for the reactor’s fuel assemblies.

SUREH regularly works with known Iranian procurement agents to acquire needed commodities for the IR-40. The IR-40 is currently under construction at Arak, Iran, and when operational, it will provide Iran the capability to produce plutonium in the reactor’s spent fuel, which Iran could choose to reprocess for nuclear weapons. Iran claims the reactor will produce radioisotopes for medical and industrial use and to replace the aging Tehran Research Reactor.

In 2011, the IAEA Board of Governors found that, contrary to the relevant resolutions of the BOG and UNSC, Iran has not suspended work on all heavy water-related projects, including the IR-40. SUREH’s procurement activities are violations of Iran’s NPT, IAEA, and UNSC obligations.

The European Union noted in Council Implementing Resolution 503/2011 (May 23, 2011) that SUREH is a company subordinate to the UN-sanctioned Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), consisting of the Uranium Conversion Facility, the Fuel Manufacturing Plant, and the Zirconium Production Plant.

Noor Afzar Gostar Company

The Noor Afzar Gostar Company has been involved in the procurement efforts for materials for both the IR-40 and probably for Iran’s uranium enrichment program.

The European Union noted in Council Implementing Resolution 503/2011 (May 23, 2011) that the Noor Afzar Gostar Company is a company that is a subsidiary of the UN-sanctioned AEOI and is involved in the procurement of equipment for the nuclear program.

Fulmen Group

The Fulmen Group was involved in procuring goods for the covert uranium enrichment facility at Qom while the facility was still an undeclared site from 2006 through 2008.

From May 2006 until at least September 2008, Fulmen was involved in many facets of the construction of Qom. Additionally, Fulmen has worked with the U.S.- and UN-designated firm Kalaye Electric on the construction of elements of the Natanz Uranium Enrichment Plant.

The preamble of UNSCR 1929 noted that Iran has not established full and sustained suspension of all enrichment-related and reprocessing activities, as set out in Resolutions 1696, 1737, 1747, and 1803, making Fulmen’s activities at both Qom and Natanz a material contribution to those facilities’ gas centrifuge plant for uranium enrichment.

Iran has failed to meet the requirements of the IAEA Board of Governors regarding disclosure of activity at Qom, including providing the IAEA with design information and permitting the IAEA to verify that information as required by its Safeguards Agreement and by Modified Code 3.1 of the Subsidiary Arrangement to its Safeguards Agreement. Iran also refuses to provide the IAEA with a chronology of the development of Qom, as requested by the IAEA.

The European Union noted in Council Implementing Resolution 668/2010 (July 26, 2010) that Fulmen was involved in the installation of electrical equipment on the Qom/Frodoo site at a time when the existence of the site had not yet been revealed. The EU also noted that Arya Niroo Nik is a shell company used by Fulmen for some of its operations. The EU has also designated Fereydoun Mahmoudian as the Director of Fulmen.

Yasa Part

The European Union noted in Council Implementing Resolution 668/2010 (July 26, 2010) that Yasa Part is a company involved with purchasing materials and technologies necessary to nuclear and ballistic programs.

Department of the Treasury Designations under E.O. 13382:

The designees targeted by the Treasury Department today are all linked to the AEOI, or its subordinate entities, the main Iranian organization responsible for research and development activities in the field of nuclear technology, including Iran's centrifuge enrichment program and experimental laser enrichment of uranium program. The AEOI, which reports directly to the Iranian president, manages Iran's overall nuclear program and was listed in the Annex to E.O. 13382 and was designated by the UN Security Council in Resolution 1737.

Modern Industries Technique Company (MITEC)

A subordinate to AEOI, MITEC is being designated for being owned or controlled by and for providing support and services to the AEOI.

MITEC has been linked to the Iranian heavy water program since at least 2001 and has played a key role in the production of the IR-40 heavy water research reactor project in Arak, Iran. Heavy water is used in plutonium production reactors and is an essential element in the production of plutonium for nuclear weapons. Heavy water is believed to have no use in Iran's civilian nuclear power program, which is based on light- water reactor technology.

MITEC was designated by the UN Security Council in Resolution 1929.

Javad Rahiqi

Javad Rahiqi is being designated for acting on behalf of AEOI. Rahiqi has been linked to AEOI's Esfahan Nuclear Technology Center, which is the AEOI's center for the development of nuclear fuel, and is involved in enrichment-related activities.

Rahiqi was also designated by the UN Security Council in Resolution 1929.

The Iran Centrifuge Technology Company (TESA)

TESA plays a crucial role in Iran's uranium enrichment nuclear program. It is involved in the production of IR-1 centrifuges, the type of centrifuge Iran has used to enrich uranium and has used in facilities belonging to the AEOI entity Kalaye Electric Company, as well as the AEOI enrichment plant in Natanz, where TESA also operates an assembly complex. Kalaye Electric is linked to Iran's centrifuge research and development efforts, was designated under E.O. 13382 in February 2007 for being owned or controlled by or acting on behalf of the AEOI, and was designated by the UN Security Council in Resolution 1737 for its involvement in Iran’s nuclear program.

Adequate operating centrifuges can provide Iran with the capability to enrich uranium to a degree that may be suitable for the production of a nuclear weapon. Iran has been persistent in trying to develop improved centrifuges for its nuclear program.

According to the European Union, TESA has taken over the activities of Farayand Technique, which was designated by the U.S. in June 2007 pursuant to E.O. 13382 and by the UN Security Council in Resolution 1737 for its involvement in Iran’s nuclear program. TESA manufactures uranium enrichment centrifuge parts, and is directly supporting proliferation-sensitive activities.

Parto Sanat

A manufacturer of frequency changers, Parto Sanat is capable of developing/modifying imported foreign frequency changers in a way that makes them usable in gas centrifuge enrichment. Parto Sanat was designated for providing services in support of Iran’s nuclear program and AEOI. It also attempted to procure Vacon inverters on several occasions, in numbers capable of running numerous centrifuge cascades.

Parto Sanat was also sanctioned by the EU in July 2010, deemed by the EU to be involved in nuclear proliferation activities.

Paya Partov

Paya Partov is in charge of all research related to laser enrichment and plays a crucial role in Iran's uranium enrichment efforts. Laser enrichment was adopted as one of three courses of action by the Iranian regime for the purpose of acquiring nuclear weapons.

Paya Partov, was designated by the EU in May 2011, as a subsidiary of E.O. 13382 designated Novin Energy, which was designated by the U.S. Department of the Treasury pursuant to E.O. 13382 on January 4, 2006 for being owned or controlled by AEOI.

Neka Novin

Neka Novin was a contractor at an Iranian nuclear facility managed by Kalaye Electric and was designated today for its involvement in the procurement of specialized equipment and materials that have direct application in Iran's nuclear program.

Simatic Development Co.

Simatic has entered into contracts with several suppliers for the purchase of inverters to power centrifuges on behalf of Kalaye Electric. It was designated today for providing support to Iran’s nuclear program and Kalaye Electric..


The Nuclear Reactors Fuel Company


Location: 61 Shahid Abtahi St., Karegar e Shomali, Tehran, Iran

Location: Persian Gulf Boulevard, Km20 SW Esfahan Road, Iran

Noor Afzar Gostar Company



AKA: Noor Afza Gostar

Location: 4th Floor, Bloc 1, Building 133, Mirdamad Avenue, Tehran, Iran

Fulmen Group

AKA: Fulmen Company

Location: 167, Darya Blvd, Saadat Abad, 1466983565, Iran

Location: No. 167 Darya Blvd, Sharak Ghods, Tehran

Location: P.O. Box 19395/1371, Tehran

Location: No. 57, Lida St, Valiassr Ave, 19697, Tehran

Location: No. 57, Lida St, After Vanak Sq, Vali-e Asr Ave, 19697, Tehran

Location: Sadat Abad, Shahra Qod (Shahrak Gharb), Darya Ave, 19697 Tehran

Yasa Part

AKA: Arfa Paint Company

AKA: Arfeh Company

AKA: Farasepehr Engineering Company

AKA: Hosseini Nejad Trading Co

AKA: Iran Saffron Company or Iransaffron Co

AKA: Shetab G, Shetab Gaman

AKA: Shetab Trading

AKA: Y.A.S. Co Ltd

Location: West Lavansai, Tehran, Iran, 009821

Location: Sa’adat Abaad, Shahrdari Sq Sarv Building, 9th Floor, Unit 5, Tehran, Iran

Location: No 17, Balooch Alley, Vaezi St, Shariati Ave, Tehran, Iran

Modern Industries Technique Company


AKA: Rahkar Company

AKA: Rahkhar Industries

AKA: Rahkar Sanaye Company

AKA: Rahkar Sanaye Novin

Location: North Amirabad St., 21 St, No.3, Tehran Iran


DOB: 24 April 1953

POB: Marshad, Iran

Iran Centrifuge Technology Company


Location: Yousef Abad District, No. 1, 37th Street, Tehran, Iran

Location: Khalij-e Fars Boulevard, Kilometre 10 of Atomic Energy Road, Rowshan Shahr, Third Moshtaq Street, Esfahan, Iran

Paya Partov Co.

Location: No. 128 — Mahestan, 7th Street, Iran Zamin Ave., San'at Square, Tehran, Iran (U) Phone: (98 21) 8837 3421 / 8857 5989

Parto Sanat Co.


Location: 2417 Valiasr Ave., Next to 14th Street, Tehran 15178, Iran (U) Telephone: (98 21) 8866 2288

Neka Novin

Location: Unit 7, No. 12, 13th Street, Mir-Emad St., Motahary Avenue, Tehran 15875- 6653, Iran

Simatic Development Co.

Location: Tehran, Iran

PRN: 2011/1985

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