Health Project Descriptions

Zambia Prevention, Care and Treatment Partnership II (ZPCT II)  
Life of Project: June, 2009 to May, 2014
Partner: FHI 360

The high rate of HIV/AIDS prevalence in Zambia places a heavy demand on the health care system.  The Zambia Prevention, Care, and Treatment Partnership II works with the Ministry of Health in five of Zambia’s nine provinces to initiate, scale up, and strengthen a comprehensive package of HIV/AIDS services, including testing and counseling, prevention of mother-to-child transmission, clinical care, male circumcision, and antiretroviral therapy.  The Partnership has steadily improved access to high-quality services. 

Communication Support for Health (CSH)
Life of Project: July, 2010 to December, 2014
Partner: Chemonics

Zambian societies are traditional and many foster patterns that delay or limit health seeking behaviors.  Social barriers such as gender inequities and cultural practices pose further complications. The Communication Support for Health project supports the Zambian Ministry of Health in strengthening national health communications campaigns, materials and activities.  Activities target cultural and social norms to increase and sustain local capacity and positive behavior change, resulting in reduction of risky behaviors and increased demand for and use of health care services. CSH supports other USAID/Zambia assistance programs in behavior change communications for message consistency and efficiency at district and community levels.

Partnership for Integrated Social Marketing (PRISM)  
Life of Project: August, 2009 to September, 2014
Partner: Population Services International

Widespread access to health products and services ensures greater usage.  The Partnership for Integrated Social Marketing distributes health products and provides services through the private sector, in conjunction with the public sector, for disease prevention and control as well as integrated health service delivery.  PRISM socially markets products such as water treatment solution (Clorin), condoms (Maximum and Care) and oral contraceptives (SafePlan), and services such as testing and counseling and male circumcision (New Start Centers).

Zambia Integrated Systems Strengthening Program (ZISSP)
Life of Project: June, 2010 to December, 2014
Partner: Abt Associates

Weak health care systems generate a lack of public confidence and, in turn, a reduction in the utilization of high-impact health interventions.  The Zambia Integrated Systems Strengthening program improves health outcomes by strengthening health systems and service delivery associated with HIV, malaria, family planning, nutrition, and maternal, neonatal and child health at national, provincial, district and community levels. ZISSP improves health care providers’ management skills and technical capacity to implement key health interventions. 

Supply Chain Management System (SCMS)  
Life of Project: June, 2009 to September, 2013
Partner: John Snow Inc.

The Supply Chain Management System strengthens the Zambian health system by ensuring health commodity security.  SCMS procures HIV/AIDS commodities including antiretroviral medications, HIV test kits, opportunistic and sexually transmitted infection drugs, male circumcision kits, and lab commodities. 

Life of Project: September, 2010 to September, 2014
Partner: John Snow Inc.

Interruptions in the supply of drugs and other health supplies can cripple the health care system.  The USAID|DELIVER Project works with the Zambian Ministry of Health to strengthen nationwide logistics systems to ensure an uninterrupted supply of HIV/AIDS, malaria, maternal health, and family planning commodities in health care facilities.  The project provides technical assistance to the Ministry in health commodity quantification, forecasting and procurement planning.  The project trains Ministry staff at central, provincial, and district levels in logistics management and supply chain evaluation.

Central Contraceptive Procurement (CCP)   
Life of Project: 1990 to 2018
Partner: Various

The global Central Contraceptive Procurement program procures contraceptive commodities in bulk for USAID Missions around the world.  USAID/Zambia uses CCP to procure a range of contraceptives commodities for distribution through the public and private sectors.  

Indoor Residual Spraying for Malaria Control  
Life of Project: September, 2009 to September, 2014
Partner: Research Triangle Institute International

Malaria remains the leading cause of death in Zambia.  Indoor Residual Spraying is a key malaria prevention intervention undertaken by the Zambian Ministry of Health’s National Malaria Control program.  The Indoor Residual Spraying program procures commodities and provides technical assistance for environmental compliance in support of the Zambia National Malaria Control Center’s Indoor Residual Spraying program. 

Improving Malaria Diagnostics (IMaD)        
Life of Project: September, 2007 to December, 2012
Partner: Medical Care Development International

The Improving Malaria Diagnostics project works with the Zambia Ministry of Health and the Zambia National Malaria Control Center to strengthen malaria-related laboratory services through technical training, improving supervision of laboratory and clinical staff, enhancing quality assurance systems, and developing guidance on procurement of laboratory consumables and essential equipment.

Strengthening Health Outcomes through the Private Sector (SHOPS)  
Life of Project: October, 2010 to September, 2013
Partner: Abt Associates

Private sector health care facilities in Zambia have poor access to the financing necessary to ensure they can continue to provide high-quality health services.  Strengthening Health Outcomes through the Private Sector increases access to financing for private health care facilities by providing technical assistance to financial institutions to stimulate growth in health sector lending.  In turn, loans expand the availability of health services delivered by the private health care facilities.    

Life of Project: 2010 to 2015
Partner: Royal Netherlands Tuberculosis Foundation            

Zambia’s high HIV prevalence had led to an increase in the number of Tuberculosis cases in the country.  TB CARE strengthens Tuberculosis control by implementing the directly observed treatment short-course, strengthening management of TB/HIV, increasing community and patient involvement and awareness, renovating laboratories, improving laboratory services, and training lab technicians.