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VS: Vision and Science (formerly VS2015)


For more than 3 years, Veterinary Services (VS) employees have been working to create a new vision for the organization. The national animal health landscape has changed significantly in recent years. VS must evolve to meet the new demands of animal agriculture in the 21st century.

Our challenge is to continue our evolution -- to focus not only on the issues of today, but also those of tomorrow. To do that, VS will enhance and refocus the strengths that have made us the Nation's animal health leader. VS2015, at its heart, has been about how we will reposition VS for the future demands of animal health.

VS: A New Perspective


VS employees from across the organization have been working for the past 3 years to more clearly define our future. Their work has culminated in a new plan for the organization entitled Veterinary Services: A New Perspective. Our New Perspective addresses the critical steps we're taking to fully realize our place in the new animal health landscape. It articulates a clear vision for our organization and set specific goals, objectives, and priorities to achieve that vision. All VS employees and stakeholders are invited to comment on the New Perspective; the document itself contains links for submitting your ideas.

New Perspective (pdf 1.12mb)

Dr. John Clifford, Deputy Administrator of Veterinary Services, recently spoke about the importance of VS' New Perspective.

VS' New Perspective Video

Supporting Documents


Agricultural Emergency Management Preparedness and Response Planning (AEM-PReP) (pdf 265kb)

VS 2015 Factsheet (pdf 1.10mb)

Movement & Marketability (M&M) (pdf 333kb)

One Health (pdf 461kb)

New Regulatory Direction (pdf 117kb)

Surveillance for Action (pdf 331kb)

To provide comments or suggestions, email: VisionandScience@aphis.usda.gov

Last Modified: July 10, 2012