Where can I find trade statistics?

U.S. Exports and Imports?

  • Office of Trade and Economic Analysis (OTEA), International Trade Administration, TradeStats Express displays U.S. merchandise trade statistics at national and state levels, in maps, graphs, and tables, and as exports, imports, and trade balances. It also allows you to retrieve, visualize, analyze, print, and download trade data. Annual data are provided from 1989 through the most current data available and are updated regularly as new trade information becomes available. You can display any range of years.
  • ITA Trade Statistics contains U.S. aggregate foreign trade data, including historical data on U.S. trade in goods and services since 1960; total exports and imports to individual countries since 1991; the current top 50 surplus and deficit countries in U.S. trade; and commodity trade by SITC codes. The site also lists statistics on exports by state and metropolitan area and industry-specific data by SIC code. To access this data, visit the website and click on “trade data.”
  • Foreign Trade Division, U.S. Census Bureau provides general U.S. trade information, including the current edition of the FT900: U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services press release that contains information on the trade balance, import and export totals, general commodity groupings, and country totals. Also available from the Foreign Trade Division, on a subscription basis, are DVD copies of statistical data covering U.S. import and export trade. These reports represent complete copies of the most detailed reports available for public reference. Special conversion files are available for correlating the various commodity classification systems and converting certain numeric codes to alphabetic data. Call the Foreign Trade Division of the U.S. Census Bureau at 1-800-549-0595 (option 4) or (301) 763-2311 for more information.

The following are additional sources of international trade statistics. To use these websites you should know the Harmonized System (HS) or Schedule B number(s) of the product(s) in question.

  • USA Trade Online With this dynamic service, you can access current and historical U.S. export and import data for all 18,000 export and import commodities. USA Trade Online provides trade statistics using the Harmonized System (HS) up to the 10-digit level and the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) commodity classification codes up to the 6-digit level, as well as State exports, and port level imports and exports, all available on a monthly or annual basis. A free one week trial of USA Trade Online is available online. After that, it is available for $25 per week, $75 per month, or $300 per year. For more information, call 1-800-549-0595 (option 4).
  • The U.S. International Trade Commission Trade DataWeb site contains U.S. import statistics, U.S. export statistics, U.S. tariffs, U.S. future tariffs, and U.S. tariff preference information. This information is available on a self-service, interactive basis. The USITC Trade DataWeb responds to user-defined queries integrating international trade statistics with complex tariff and customs treatment, and allows both expert and non-expert users to create and save customized country and product lists for future re-use from anywhere in the world. The content on this website is free-of-charge, but, requires registration.

Developments in World Trade?

The following websites contain a variety of different statistics, reports, and other information related to international trade:

Macroeconomic indicators, (GDP, inflation, unemployment, etc.) about the United States and other countries?

  • Bureau of Economic Analysis
  • Survey of Current Business is a monthly publication by the U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Economic Analysis containing articles, economic analysis, and economic statistics on the U.S. economy, U.S. international transactions, including U.S. current and capital account balances. In addition, the publication contains state, sector, income and product figures, charts, and tables. The Survey is available from the Government Printing Office at (866) 512-1800 or through the GPO website.
  • CIA World Fact Book
  • Country Commercial Guides (CCG) contain a variety of statistics and are available free of charge through the Market Research Library. At the website, select the "Market Research Library" link, which will be found within the text of the "Market Research" webpage. Next, select the desired country in the <country> field and “country commercial guide” in the <report type> field of the search engine.
  • World Bank Data
  • International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  • Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

Price Indices?

Labor/Wage Statistics?

Exchange Rates?

Other Lists?

  • U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics lists U.S. and international Internet websites that provides statistics and other information related to trade.

Selected Trade Research Links:

For further assistance, please contact the Trade Information Center:

Tel: 1-800-USA-TRAD(E) (1-800-872-8723)

Fax: (202) 482-4473

E-mail: tic@mail.doc.gov

Internet: http://www.export.gov