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Office of Administrative Law Judges

DMS Search Help Page

Search Option 1 is a full-text search application. This help page, however, is about Search Option 2 ("DMS Search"), which is a database search using fields from the Office of Administrative Law Judges' Document Management System (DMS).

DMS search enables searches based on the OALJ Case Number, the name of the Employer or Respondent, the name of the Claimant or Complainant, or the date of the ALJ's decision.


OALJ Case Number Field:

The OALJ case number has three components: (1) the Fiscal Year in which the case was docketed, (2) a three letter acronym that indicates the type of case, and (3) the sequential number of the filing. For example, 2005-BLA-00011 would be the eleventh black lung case filed in Fiscal Year 2005.

In the search fields:

  • Use the full year for the Fiscal Year field (i.e., 2005 instead of 05). Note that Fiscal Years for the federal government begin on October 1, rather than January 1 as in a calendar year.
  • For the Case Type Acronym field, select a case type either using the pull-down box or by typing the first character of the case type until the correct acronym appears. For example, typing s four times will place SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley) cases in this field. Only the first letter is recognized. Thus, typing s o x will not work.
  • Use zeros in front of the sequential number of the case (i.e., 00011 instead of 11). To get a list of all cases for a Fiscal Year for a particular case type, use the first two fields (Fiscal Year and Case Type Acronym), but leave the sequential number field blank, and then hit enter or click on the go button.

Employer/Respondent Field:

In this field you may use any part of the name -- first, last or full name. Because of the way information is entered into the DMS docket card, you may need to try both the Claimant/Complainant and Employer/Respondent fields.

Claimant/Complainant Field:

In this field you may use any part of the name -- first, last or full name. Do not separate names by commas. For example, use Smith John rather than Smith, John. Because of the way information is entered into the DMS docket card, you may need to try both the Claimant/Complainant and Employer/Respondent fields. For alien labor certification cases, use the Claimant/Complainant field to search by name of the alien.

Date Field:

In this field you must enter the search date exactly in this format: mm/dd/yyyy. For example, to search for cases decided on November 1, 2000, enter 11/01/2000.

Search Results Page:

DMS search returns a page showing search results. Users can re-sort the results by the categories shown at the top of each column. If the Decision Date field is blank, the case is still pending. If the "DMS File" column says "NO" that means that there is no electronic document available in DMS for that case. This is usually because the case was decided prior to OALJ's DMS implementation, or because the document is under a protective order or otherwise FOIA exempt. You might be able to find older decisions by browsing the caselists in the law library part of the web site or by using a full-text search.


What does DMS cover? DMS was introduced into OALJ operations during 2000-2001. It only includes ALJ decisions. It does not include BRB or ARB decisions. Thus, researchers may need to use a full-text search or browse the caselists of reported decisions to find older decisions. ARB decisions may be located using a full-text search, alphabetical case list, monthly case list, or subject matter case list. BRB decisions may be located on the BRB web site.

How soon after issuance are ALJ decisions available on DMS Search? ALJ decisions are posted to the OALJ web site one business day after issuance, except that decisions issued under the LHWCA and its extensions are transmitted to the OALJ web site five business days after issuance. Links to LHC, LHK, DCW and LDA posted decisions often first become available on the sixth business day after issuance.

How do I cite to a decision? You may cite DMS decisions as a slip opinion. The PDF and HTML versions have identical content, but the PDF version is considered the official version by OALJ.

Why is there a capital "A" on the signature line? When an ALJ signs a decision, a font with his or her digitized signature is placed in the document. When the web site version of the decision is created, the judge's signature font is not present so the conversion tool substitutes an "A". The system was designed this way in order to prevent widespread dissemination of the judge's signature.

Why doesn't DMS work on my computer? You probably need to upgrade to a newer version of your web browser (e.g., IE 5.x or Netscape 6 or higher).

Why does only the first page of the PDF file load into my web browser? The PDF files can be very large. You can also work around the problem by downloading the PDF file to your hard drive and then opening it in a PDF reader outside the web browser. You might also try downloading a newer version of the PDF reader. Finally, most users are able to load the HTML version of the decision even if the PDF fails. For more information, see Help With Using PDF Files.

Search Options

Option 1: Full Text by Topic

 Search all DOL
 Advanced Search Page

Option 2: ALJ Decisions by Case Number, Name or Date


Acronym Definitions


Affordable Care Act Whistleblower


Aviation Investment & Reform Act (AIR21) Whistleblower


Nonimmigrant Nurses (H-1A and H-1C visas)


Board of Contract Appeals


Black Lung Benefits Act


Black Lung Benefits Act


Black Lung Benefits Act


Black Lung Benefits Act


Clean Air Act Whistleblower


"Collective Bargaining Variance" under the Service Contract Act


Decertification proceedings under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act or the National Apprenticeship Act of 1937


CERCLA Whistleblower




Child Labor Provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act


Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act


Davis Bacon Act


Debt Collection Act


District of Columbia Workers' Compensation


Employee Polygraph Protection Act


Energy Reorganization Act Whistleblower


Fair Labor Standards Act


Pre-PERM permanent alien labor certification


Job Service Complaint System


Job Service Complaint System Prevailing Wage LCA Appeal


Job Training Partnership Act


Labor Condition Applications (H-1B visas)

LCA (§ 655.731(d) case)

Labor Condition Applications; Prevailing Wage Appeals [redesignated as JSW]


Defense Base Act and Related Acts


Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act


Petition for modification of mine safety standard under the Federal Mine Safety & Health Act


Migrant and Seasonal Occupational Worker Act


Older Americans


Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs


OSHA Rulemaking


Walsh-Healy Public Contracts Act


PERM permanent alien labor certification debarment cases


PERM permanent alien labor certification and immigration related prevailing wage appeals


Pipeline Safety Improvement Act whistleblower


Prevailing Wage Determination (H-1B, H-2B, PERM)


Employee Retirement Income Security Act


Service Contract Act


Safe Drinking Water Disposal Act whistleblower


"Standards of Conduct" in federal labor unions under the LMRDA


Sarbanes-Oxley Act whistleblower


Seaman's Protection Act whistleblower


Surface Transportation Assistance Act whistleblower


Solid Waste Disposal Act whistleblower


"Temporary alien employment" (H-2A visas - Wage & Hour enforcement)


"Temporary labor certification" (H-2A cases - ETA certfications)


"Temporary labor certification" (H-2B cases - ETA certfications)


"Temporary labor certification" (H-2B cases - Wage & Hour enforcement)


Toxic Substances Control Act whistleblower


Federal State Extended Unemployment Tax Act


Workforce Investment Act


Wagner-Peyser Act (Job Service Complaint System)


Federal Water Pollution Control Act whistleblower


"Welfare to Work" cases under the Social Security Act