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USGS Denver Microbeam Laboratory

  Microbeam Lab Home /  Facilities /  Capabilities /  Electron Microscope (SEM) /  Electron Microprobe /  Current Work /  Image Gallery /  Related Links

Image Gallery I

Image Gallery II - Asbestos and Fibrous Materials

Click on links below image for larger size files.
Image of ant head.
153 KB GIF file
Ant Esther
Backscattered electron image of flyash particle.
427 KB GIF file
Backscattered electron image of a portion of a flyash particle (false color). Magnification ~ 40,000 X. Image by Joe O'Connor, USGS.
X-ray intensity map of meteorite inclusion.
252 KB GIF file
Aluminum x-ray intensity map of a high temperature inclusion from the Allende meteorite.
Secondary electron image of beryl crystal.
149 KB GIF file
Secondary electron image of a beryl crystal (false color).
Secondary electron image of dickite clay crystals.
423 KB GIF file
Secondary electron image of dickite clay crystals. Image by Howard May, USGS.
Secondary electron image of bottom of ion microprobe crater.
271 KB GIF file
Secondary electron image of the bottom of an ion microprobe crater.
Backscattered electron image of monazite crystal.
144 KB GIF file
Backscattered electron image of a monazite crystal. Image by John Aleinikoff, USGS.

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Content information: Greg Meeker

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Page Last Modified: Wednesday, 12-Dec-2012 18:32:07 MST