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About Us

Argonne National Laboratory administers this web site for The U.S. DOE Office of Environmental Management.


The Depleted UF6 Management Program Information Network web site is administered by the Environmental Science Division of Argonne National Laboratory for the United States Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Environmental Management (EM). EM is responsible for preparation of the Depleted UF6 Conversion Facility EISs. Argonne is assisting EM in preparation of the EISs.

About the Office of Environmental Management (EM)

In 1989, the Department of Energy created the Office of Environmental Management (EM) to mitigate the risks and hazards posed by the legacy of nuclear weapons production and research. Although the nation continues to maintain an arsenal of nuclear weapons, as well as some production capability, the United States has embarked on new missions. The most ambitious and far ranging of these missions is dealing with the environmental legacy of the Cold War. Like most industrial and manufacturing operations, the nuclear complex has generated waste, pollution, and contamination. However, many problems posed by its operations are unique. They include unprecedented amounts of contaminated waste, water, and soil, and a vast number of contaminated structures that will remain radioactive for thousands of years.

About Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne National Laboratory is one of the U.S. Department of Energy's largest research centers. It is also the nation's first national laboratory, chartered in 1946. Today, the laboratory has more than 4,000 employees, including about 1,400 scientists and engineers, of whom about 700 hold doctorate degrees.

The Environmental Science Division of Argonne National Laboratory conducts applied research, assessment, and technology development in the following areas: risk and waste management; natural resource systems and integrated assessments; restoration, compliance, and pollution prevention; and environmental policy analysis and planning. Most of these efforts support federal agencies that have responsibilities for energy development and use, natural resource management, or national defense.

For More Information:

Contact the Depleted UF6 Webmaster:

Robert Sullivan
Environmental Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne, IL 60439

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