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You are here: Home Biomarkers REG3A



This biomarker is also known as:
  • hepatocarcinoma-intestine-pancreas,
  • Human proislet peptide,
  • PAP1,
  • pancreatic beta cell growth factor,
  • HIP,
  • PAP-H,
  • proliferation-inducing protein 34,
  • PAP homologous protein,
  • Pancreatitis-associated protein 1,
  • Reg III-alpha,
  • REG3,
  • regenerating islet-derived 3 alpha,
  • PAP,
  • proliferation-inducing protein 42,
  • REG-III,
  • PBCGF,


REG3 is a pancreatic secretory protein that may be involved in cell proliferation or differentiation. It has similarity to the C-type lectin superfamily. The enhanced expression of this gene is observed during pancreatic inflammation and liver carcinogenesis.


QA State: Under Review
Type: Protein
Short Name:


There are no datasets associated with this biomarker.


This biomarker is currently being annotated or is under review. You must be logged in or do not have permission to view any additional information. Contact Heather Kincaid at if you should have access to this biomarker.


This biomarker is currently being annotated or is under review. You must be logged in or do not have permission to view any additional information. Contact Heather Kincaid at if you should have access to this biomarker.


This biomarker is currently being annotated or is under review. You must be logged in or do not have permission to view any additional information. Contact Heather Kincaid at if you should have access to this biomarker.


This biomarker is currently being annotated or is under review. You must be logged in or do not have permission to view any additional information. Contact Heather Kincaid at if you should have access to this biomarker.

Announcement 01/31/2013

The next EDRN Scientific Workshop will take place:
- March 13-15, 2013, in Bethesda MD
Click here for meeting registration, hotel information, and agendas.

Subsequent EDRN SC meetings will be:
- September 10-12, 2013, in Seattle WA
- March 4-6, 2014, in Houston TX
- September 8-11, 2014, location TBD


Cancer Biomarker Bioinformatics Workshop

Join us next spring for the Cancer Biomarker Bioinformatics Workshop.

  • April 29th–May 1st 2013 in Pasadena, CA
  • Register by March 15th 2013 to save a spot
  • Registration is free
  • Full program and other details available