Our Story

Brig. Gen. Michel - USTRANSCOM
October 18, 2011 | 1:24
Good afternoon, I'm Brigadier General John Michel, and for the previous nine months I've had the great privilege of leading what is the most comprehensive strategic planning effort in our command.

As we face a time of unprecedented change it is clear that we need to understand ourselves better than we ever have, and we're there today, the document in your hand is our roadmap to shape the future in which we want to move into.

Now our nation's ability to project influence anywhere in the world is a national treasure and it is made possible because of what you, the men and woman, the mobility professionals of United States Transportation Command do every single day. In order to achieve our stated vision of becoming the transportation and enabling capabilities provider of choice, we've determined there is four areas we need to invest our time, our talent, our energy, and our resources.

Specifically, we want to continue to preserve readiness capability. We want to achieve IT management excellence. We want to align our success, our processes, and our resources for success and last but certainly not least we want to continue to invest in you � the mobility professionals who are the ones that serve our customer.

At a time of unprecedented change it is important that we have clarity on the direction to go. We have that now. And together I'm confident that we will continue to move out and deliver on exactly what the nation is expecting of the men and women of the United States Transportation Command � proof positive that together we deliver.