Shaping America’s Future Force

Today’s guest blog post is from Lt. Gen. Howard B. Bromberg, Army Deputy Chief of Staff G-1.

As the principal military adviser to the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs (ASA M&RA), my top priorities consist of taking care of Soldiers, Department of the Army Civilians and their Families, and maintaining an all-volunteer Force, which is ready today—and in the future—to accomplish any mission with which we’re charged.

Lt. Gen. Howard B. Bromberg

Within the first 180 days of assuming the responsibilities as the Army Deputy Chief of Staff G-1, I gained an acute understanding of the challenges we face as we begin the drawdown of our Army. Also during this time, I heard concerns voiced by many Soldiers, Civilians and their families pertaining to the Army’s drawdown and how it affects them.

First, the Army is committed to making careful and deliberate decisions of what force shaping tools or the actions we will take in order to retain a high-quality force while meeting our drawdown goals. We are equally committed to communicate our planned actions to the field.

I am convinced that we have the right plans and people in place to make such decisions concerning our future force and to assist transitioning Soldiers to receive the support and tools necessary to be successful post their military service. The Army will achieve this by responsibly balancing force shaping across accessions, retention, promotions, involuntary separations and natural losses such as retirements and ETS’s.

Unfortunately during this drawdown, there will be some good Soldiers who we cannot retain. However, I can assure you as Soldiers depart our active duty formations, the Army remains committed to assisting them and their families as they transition to the Army Reserve, National Guard or civilian life. Our Soldiers are Soldiers for life and future/current Veterans deserve nothing less!

Through all the changes we will experience as our Army draws down, what will remain constant is that the Army will remain committed to taking care of its people.  Even though the overall size of the Army will decrease, we will continue to recruit America’s best men and women while remaining an employer of choice for civilian and military personnel.

We pledge to remain vigilant to taking care of each of you; our Soldiers, our DA Civilians, and our Families. You have served superbly over the last 11 years of persistent conflict and have displayed a myriad of values, character and competence that made us successful. We value your service and sacrifices. For this very reason, the Army will stand ‘shoulder to shoulder’ with you as you so proudly stood—and served—our great nation.

What do you know about the Army’s drawn down? Share with us your questions/concerns.