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German-American Organizations


The Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Consulate General in Frankfurt promotes the German-American dialogue in the cities of the consular district, which includes the states of Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate, Baden-Württemberg, and the Saarland. Public Affairs cooperates with many organizations and institutions to work toward a better understanding between Germany and the United States on political, economic, social, and cultural issues.

The listing includes organizations that regularly or occasionally contribute to the German-American dialogue in the Frankfurt consular district. It provides the information necessary for more effective local and regional networking among potential partner organizations that are often not aware of each other's existence. In view of limited staff and financial resources plus unintended competition for the same audience on the same topics, it is obvious that more can be achieved with less effort through improved coordination and cooperation.

Through the index, the user can identify the organizations in a given city or determine the cities in which a given organization is represented. Addresses, telephone and fax numbers, email and URL, as well as information on an organization's profile facilitate contacting potential partners. Not only does the size of the list reflect the impressive range and depth of the German-American infrastructure, it also demonstrates the great potential for enhanced cooperation and networking.

The German-American Institue Tuebingen has compiled a list of German-American contacts in Baden-Wuerttemberg, including social clubs, sport clubs etc.

Editor's Note

The "Directory of German-American Cooperation in the Frankfurt Consular District" does not make any recommendations, nor does it claim to be complete. Many of the directory's entries contain brief information in German and English about the activities of the listed organization. The information was mostly taken from the organization's website. If no information is provided, it is not meant as a comment on the quality of the organization, rather it simply means that the respective data were not available.

The directory was developed by the Information Resource Center Frankfurt during the summer of 2002 and is no longer being updated. Last update: July 2009.

Idea/Concept: Dr. Gerhard Wiesinger
Project Realization, Editor-in-chief, Project Management: Dr. Renate Vollmer