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2008 Programs & Events

New MEPI Democracy Opportunity: 2008 Women Political Leaders Program

February 1, 2008

The Embassy of the United States of America is pleased to accept applications for the 2008 Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) Women Political Leaders Program. This program provides opportunities for women political leaders from the Middle East and North Africa to participate in a 25 days electoral training program in the United States. Applications are due to the U.S. Embassy by February 11, 2008.

What is the MEPI Women Political Leaders Program?

  • A 25-day electoral training program in the United States for women leaders who have demonstrated a commitment to democratic principles and reforms.  
  • An opportunity to foster participants’ acquisition of effective political, campaign and empowerment skills, an occasion to provide more insight into electoral politics at the grassroots level, political campaigns and outreach strategies, and on-the-ground-look to effective use of communications and media.
  • A series of hands-on electoral training, educational sessions, elections and U.S. politics seminar, meetings with academic experts, journalists, political advisors, opportunities for interaction with Americans election guides, and other activities. It includes a three-day orientation in Washington D.C., a five-day seminar conducted by American University’s center for Democracy and Election Management and the Women in Politics Institute, a ten-day guided election’s visit to two Key states in the 2008 election cycle, and a one-day wrap-up and evaluation session in Washington DC. 
  • A fully funded training, including international airfare, travel within the United States, accommodation, food, and program fees. 

Who is eligible to apply?

Competition for the MEPI Women Political Leaders Program is merit-based and open to persons who meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Be a Lebanese citizen and reside in Lebanon
  • Be currently active within the political field
  • Be a solid candidate for office with a dedicated interest in the democratic process
  • Be committed to return to Lebanon following completion of the program
  • Be mature, responsible, independent, open-minded, tolerant, thoughtful, and inquisitive
  • Have a strong interest in learning about electoral, democracy skills, political campaigns, communication strategies, issues management, leadership and planning skills, and a better understanding of the overall U.S. political landscape
  • Have a sustained record of political/civic activism
  • Possess strong leadership potential, a commitment to community, and exchange of experience
  • Be comfortable with shared living accommodations while traveling with a multinational group of participants from the Middle East/North Africa and the United States, and potential adjustments to cultural and social practices different from those in Lebanon
  • Proficiency in English is not a must

What is the application process?

Resumes are due to the U.S. Embassy by February 11, 2008, and can be submitted electronically to

For additional information, contact MEPI Program Management Specialist Maya Najm on the following address: